The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government has been in office for two years, and the term of office has been two -fifth.During this time, the Hong Kong Government did a lot of work in implementing national security governance, making the central government quite satisfied, but it does not mean that there is no opinion in other fields.Recently, Beijing officials rarely put forward their views on the level of governance of the Hong Kong government.

Xia Baolong, director of the Hong Kong and Macau Office of the State Council of Hong Kong and Macau, was in charge of financial officials such as Chen Maobo, director of Hong Kong Financial Secretary Chen Maobo in Beijing last Tuesday (July 23).According to the press release announced by the State Council ’s Hong Kong and Macao Office, Xia Baolong’ s efforts and achievements made by the Hong Kong government ’s financial system to promote economic development, maintain financial stability, and promote people’ s livelihood improvement, “fully affirmed”.

However, Xia Baolong also pointed out that reform and opening up is an important magic weapon for contemporary China to catch up with the times. For Hong Kong facing profound changes in the internal and external environment, it is also necessary to consciously change, respond, and seek change, and achieve better development through reform.He hopes that the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government and all sectors of the society will understand and understand and understand and understand , seize the opportunity, reform, take the initiative, and accelerate the governance and prosperity of Hong Kong.

In the writing expression of China's officialdom, it is dissatisfied with the presence of the first official to put forward hope for the subordinates.Xia Baolong reminded Chen Maobo's Hong Kong government to "three changes" (knowledge change, response, and change). He hoped that Hong Kong would implement the spirit of the Third Plenary Session with a solid work, do things one by one, and constantly brighten Hong Kong in Hong Kong.The "golden signboards" are actually implicitly criticizing the Hong Kong government's reform in the past two years.

What does the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government need further reform in governance?The public opinion community in Hong Kong has performed different interpretations in the past few days.

Beijing ’s official media in Hong Kong has published social reviews a few days ago. Taking the problem of residence as an example, Hong Kong is a developed economy and per capita income is at the forefront of the world.People live in the mortuary, EssenceIt is necessary to fundamentally solve the problem of residence. We must not rely on small troubles, and wind and drizzle.

Another Beijing official media Hong Kong Wenhui reports that Hong Kong has rich higher education resources, and five universities in the world's top 100 universities have won a unique position in the field of international education.Facing the rapid development of new productive forces, Hong Kong education still needs to actively adjust the structure to better adapt to the needs of economic and social development. At the same time, the international recognition of Hong Kong education is used to carefully create an international education hub.

The online media "Hong Kong 01" is more politely criticized. Xia Baolong proposed reforms for Chen Maobo, but Chen Maobo did not even have the word "reform", and did not respond to Xia Baolong's "facing the internal and external environment profound environmental profound environmental profound environmentThe change of Hong Kong only highlights the "central government's love and solid support and solid support for Hong Kong, as well as the concern, support and cooperation of relevant ministries and commissions for Hong Kong", making people feel that the central government is "praised and no bombs" in Hong Kong.

In other words, after Hong Kong's current government takes office, they have changed their thinking in the past and small government. They have taken the initiative to reform at the level of economy, people's livelihood, and regional governance.A lot of results.However, some new policies are prone to confusion due to urgent implementation.

For example, the Hong Kong government has a big event economy after the epidemic, This year'sThere are more than 200 events . I hope to bring popularity and wealth, but it has not been criticized by the outside world.Ye Liu Shuyi, the convener of the Executive Council, publicly questioned that some activities may be too small, the target group is too narrow, and it is difficult to attract foreign customers. In addition, some funded "events" have limited gold -absorbing ability, which has led to the water drift.

In addition, the Hong Kong government has been reforming in recent years, but sometimes it has not allowed Hong Kong people to feel the essence.The Hong Kong Institute of Asia -Pacific Institute of Hong Kong in Hong Kong conducted a telephone survey at the end of May. The results showed that 680 % of the people interviewed in Hong Kong believed that the issue of the disparity between the rich and the poor in Hong Kong was still serious, and the relevant percentage increased by 9.1 percentage points last year.40.4%of the respondents believe that the current disparity between the rich and the poor is more serious than five years ago, an increase of 8.0 percentage points from last year's survey.

Lu Dile, a guest research lecture professor of the Hong Kong Education University of Hong Kong, who has in -depth research in Hong Kong society, also wrote in newspapers recently, saying that Hong Kong people's requirements and expectations are very practical, that is, to hand over achievements -government leaders can talk about themselves.But some changes must be that they can feel it.

He is policy Example: I took a walk in the community in the evening, heard the opinions of the neighborhood, and said, "I don't care how many people have been introduced by the" Gao Cai ", I just want to know which positions they lack in Hong Kong?"Talent in that are" and so on.

The Hong Kong Government will publish a new policy report in October this year. Recently, it will be consulting opinions from all walks of life.After Xia Baolong proposed the "three changes", it means that the Hong Kong government's new policy report needs to propose a blueprint and measures for further reform.But at the same time, the official may also need to explain a "mid -term performance form" clearly in a new policy report to persuade Hong Kong people to officially make in the past two yearsEssence