The latest official data from Hong Kong shows that the Hong Kong Price Index has fallen for two consecutive months in June, setting a new low in the past eight years.

The comprehensive network media "Hong Kong 01" and Hong Kong Commercial Radio reported that the latest data released by the Hong Kong Relicid Property Office on Monday (July 29) shows that the property price index of private houses in Hong Kong in June fellTo 301.8 points, a monthly decrease of about 1.24%.

This is the decline in Hong Kong's property prices for two consecutive months, a new low since October 2016. The property price index at the time was 304.3 points.Hong Kong has fallen 3.1%in the first half of this year.

However, the rent index of private houses in Hong Kong rose for four consecutive months, and the June index rose slightly by 0.15%to 189 points.

Wang Zhaoqi, director of the research and consulting department of the Greater China District of the Logo Fang, said that the Hong Kong official property price index reflects the second -hand property price. In June, the official property price index fell by 1.2%monthly.Cumulative 3.1%.

Wang Zhaoqi said that there was no other good news to undertake after the market withdrawn from the digestive market, and the accumulation of high -interest ports and the amount of goods in the new building continued to drag down the property prices.After the release of the spicy measures, the volume of houses has increased significantly, but in the short term, second -hand property prices will continue to weaken due to first -hand house sales.

Wang Zhaoqi said that as the United States is about to reduce interest, the decline in property prices in Hong Kong in the second half of the year will be slightly narrowed, and the annual property price predicted at the beginning of the year may fall by 5%.