Follow "After the Sword" Jiang Yan won the winAfter the Paris Olympic Women's Personal Sword Gold Medal, "Sword God" Zhang Jialang won a gold for the Hong Kong delegation.This is the best performance in Hong Kong in the Olympic Games.

Jiang Yan, 30 years old, defeated the host French swordsman with a difference of one finger on Sunday (July 28) and won the gold medal.

The process of winning the championship on the day of Jiang Yan was very dramatic, and even a large score of 1-7 was behind the opponent.However, at a critical moment of testing perseverance, patience and mentality, she staged a strong counterattack in the Jedi, tied the score to 12 to 12, and finally defeated the opponent in an overtime game.It is also the first gold of the Hong Kong team in the Paris Olympics.

Jiang Yan said in Cantonese in Cantonese in the interview with Cantonese, "I don’t want to lose such meat acid (ugly), I don’t want to play the spirit of this Hong Kong.Give up. "Before the Olympics, her knee was injured.

This is the third time that Jiang Yan has found out the Olympic Games.She stopped the top 16 in the 2016 Rio Olympic Games, but still set the history of the Hong Kong fencing Olympics.In the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, she stopped the quarterfinals. At that time, she endured tears after the game and apologized to the public.

With a smile and elegant temperament, Jiang Yan has harvested high popularity online.According to several media reports, she has not been neglected to study and competition because she is dedicated to training and competition. She is a veritable female school tyrant.Jiang Yan became a doctoral student of the Law of the Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2021, a bachelor's degree in international political bachelor of Stanford University and the Master of Law of the Chinese University of China.

Zhang Jialang won the gold

In addition to Jiang Yan, another good player Zhang Jialang in Hong Kong's sword world, successfully succeeded in the Paris Olympic Men's Flower Personal Game on Tuesday (July 30)The defending was the first player to win the Hua Jian Olympic Championship in 68 years.He is also the first Hong Kong athlete to win the championship for two consecutive Olympic Games.

The entire final process is exciting. You come and go with each other and have a lead.At the last moment, Zhang Jialang achieved a large reversal when he was backward at 12 to 14, scored three points to put the gold medal into the pocket.

Zhang Jialang (right)The Paris Olympic Men's Personal Flower Sword won the gold medal and successfully defended.The picture shows that he cheered with his hands excitedly after defeating Italian opponents.(Agence France -Presse)

Zhang Jialang accepted the Hong Kong Wireless News Station after the game. When he was asked by the host how to train psychological quality, he said firmly: "Everyone needs to give up, persist, even if you encounter a lot ofThe setbacks are good. I remember what I started for, and sometimes I might be unwilling, and I must persist to the end.To show others, in fact, we can do a lot of different things in such a small place.The 27 -year -old Zhang Jialang is known as the "Sword God" and was born in the family of athletes.In the fourth grade of middle school, he decided to drop out of school and transfer to a full -time athlete. Through unremitting efforts and excellent talents, he quickly improved on the fencing project and gradually grew into the "one brother" of the Hong Kong flower sword team.At the Tokyo Olympic Games in 2021, he won the second Olympic gold in Hong Kong in the men's flower sword individual competition. This is also the gold medal at the Olympic Games after 25 years.

Li Jiachao Jiang Yan has played the "Hong Kong Spirit"

As of press time, the Hong Kong delegation has created the best achievements in the Hong Kong Olympic Games, winning two gold medals and one bronze medal.

Almost all mainstream Hong Kong media encourage Hong Kong people with their good results.Among them, the Grand Daily commented on Tuesday (July 30) that Jiang Yan, Zhang Jialang, and Hong Kong team athletes who went all out to win on the field not only proved to the world that Hong Kong athletes can also have a place on the international stage on the international stage.It also shows that as long as the spirit of Hong Kong that never gives up, it will eventually be rewarded.

Sing Tao Daily also won applause with a heavy sword picking gold, and never defeated the spirit of Hong Kong.Extraordinary, "It was obtained in the new journey of sports athletes'" Governance and Xing "in Hong Kong. It not only adds a color to the" Hong Kong Story ", but also inspires Hong Kong citizens to work hard and fight against the adversity."

Hong Kong Chief Executive Li Jiachao, who had been in office for two years, also stated before the visit on July 28 that he was very moved and encouraged to share his heart after the victory of Jiang Yan.The "Hong Kong Spirit", which will not give up, and Hong Kong residents and I see and feel your mind. "

Hong Kong spirit?

What is the spirit of Hong Kong?Many views are actually the spirit of "Lion Rock".This name comes from the theme song of the well -known TV series in Hong Kong in the 1970s.According to the BBC Chinese website, Hong Kong writer Liao Weitang once said that the Hong Kong people believe that the spirit of the Lion Mountain is the core value of the Paro citizen. The so -called Lion Mountain spirit is summarized in eight words, "the same is available in the same boat, and the current is up."

Isn't this hard -working spirit need the most in Hong Kong now?In the past few years, Hong Kong has experienced a lot of storms and troughs. In 2019, an unprecedented anti -repair struggle broke out. In 2020, the crown disease epidemic was raging, and the entire society almost fell into a pause.After the epidemic market, the property market has fallen into a downturn and the reduction of tourists, which will directly combat economic development.

Lion Mountain is Hong Kong famousPeak and landmarks are also a symbol of Hong Kong's spirit.The picture shows the people standing at the high -rise building at the foot of Lion Rock.(Straits Times)

The Hong Kong economy increased by 3.2%last year, recovering part of the loss after shrinking 3.7%in 2022.Behind the numbers is a bunch of tricky economic problems, including weak retail industry and long -term sluggish real estate industry.

The South China Morning Post on Sunday after winning the championship of Jiang Yan, it was posted that for Hong Kong, victory not only means that the athlete's neck is hung with a gold medal.Hong Kong companies, which have been hit due to the difficulty of financial environment, said that they expect that the Olympic Games will promote sales by 15%year -on -year.

The report also said that from the people who poured into the mall and entertainment venues, if Zhang Jialang or Hong Kong swimming general He Shibei can win the prize, then the positive emotions brought to Hong Kong will further increase.

A 38 -year -old marketing staff named Zhang told the South China Morning Post on Sunday that his spending in Olympic City, Hong Kong Shopping Mall is more than HK $ 1,000 (S $ 172), because he wants to follow other otherLike people, enjoy the joy brought by the Olympic Games."Despite feesIt is used to exceed the usual amount, but the Olympic Games will only be held every four years ... If everyone is willing to spend a little more money, the Hong Kong market will flourish."

This statement is not without basis. According to reports from China Evaluation Agency in July 2021, China Rating Think Tank Big Data Center found that Zhang Jialang won the night sky in the night sky in the Tokyo Olympics, causing public opinion explosion in Hong Kong society.Points almost make every Hong Kong people feel inspiring and spit. The praise index of Hong Kong social media has risen to the highest point since 2017, reflecting the full emotional state of the entire Hong Kong society.> However, in social media, some Hong Kong netizens put the efforts and persistence emphasized in the award -winning speech of the athletes, and projected in a silent street movement in the past few years., The Hong Kong Democratic Movement has not yet died. "

Some netizens also argued whether they should support Hong Kong athletes, and said that the athletes have close relations with the Hong Kong government and mainland China.I do n’t want to support nor to read. "" There is no sense of happiness at all, zero -belonging "," Jiang Yan still reads a book in the National People's Congress, and he must be standing in the mainland."

According to Radio Free Asia, Zheng Wenjie, the founder of the" British Overseas Chinese Association "wanted by the Hong Kong Government, posted on social networking sites that supporting Hong Kong teams became Hong Kong people's projection of personal and political vision for Hong Kong people.Export.On the singer, it is sports now.And you see that even the government itself will use many levels to do the kind of publicity they want to show."

It can be seen that although the street movement of Hong Kong society has now disappeared, it seems that the voice and social opposition of the government are still dark.Gold's wisdom and courage to deal with.