The rejuvenation of the Hong Kong catering market has recovered slowly after the Dao disease. The takeaway food rice box shop, which is commonly known as the "two rice rice", has become a strange city. In the past two or three years, it has sprung up in various districts.The market of the industry.Some analysts believe that this reflects the weak economy in Hong Kong, and citizens must tighten their pants; but some scholars have pointed out that the two rice is popular, which more reflects Hong Kong people's dissatisfaction with the current service attitude of Hong Kong's food industry.

Two years ago, Feng Huaying (24 years old) was studying from Guangxi to Hong Kong. After graduation, he chose to stay in Hong Kong and currently work in media work.

During the two years in Hong Kong, Feng Huaying fell in love with two meals.In an interview with Lianhe Morning Post, she said: "When I first came to Hong Kong, the house rented was relatively small, and it was not convenient to cook. I often went out to eat. I fell in love with two meals.Four times!

Feng Huaying has only an hour of eating at noon on weekdays. It takes a long time to go to the restaurant. Buy two rice boxes for cheap rice boxes, more choices and time.(Photo by Dai Qingcheng)

Feng Huaying explained that eating in a Hong Kong restaurant will cost HK $ 60 or 70 (S $ 10 to S $ 12). The price of two rice is affordable, generally only 30 or 40 Hong Kong dollars.The selection of the dishes of the two rice rice is diversified, it is also convenient to buy, and it is very attractive to the grassroots people.

She said: "I only have an hour of eating at noon on weekdays, and the team that goes to the restaurant for a long time. The efficiency of the two restaurants is high, and I can get the lunch box soon."

The word "餸" of "Two Rice" means "small dishes" in Cantonese, "two crickets", that is, "two side dishes".Three side dishes.The origin of the two meals in Hong Kong is no longer available, and it is said that the two restaurants have appeared in the locals at the beginning of the millennium.Since most of the early years were priced at HK $ 10, there were also called "ten mosquito rice" (10 yuan rice).

This two rice-rice side dishes are lintest meat skewers and lunch meat fried vegetables, the price is 36 Hong Kong dollars (S $ 6.20).(Photo by Dai Qingcheng)

In 2003, the two meals ushered in the first wave in Hong Kong.At that time, the epidemic of Shas was raging in Hong Kong, and the food was reduced. Many diners went to the store to buy lunch boxes for packaging and took away, and the rise of the two restaurants.After the past, the two rice rice also retreated, but due to the cheap price, there was still a certain market among grassroots citizens, and the title of "poor people".

After Hong Kong's full recovery in the first half of last year, the economic recovery performance is far less than expected.Taking the retail industry as an example, the latest data released by the Hong Kong Government Statistics Office shows that the temporary estimation of the total sales value of the retail industry in May this year was only 30.5 billion Hong Kong dollars, a year -on -year decline of 11.5%.Compared with the same period last year, the temporary estimation of the total sales value of the total retail industry in the first five months of this year also fell 6.1%.

Xie Qiu Anyi, chairman of the Hong Kong Retail Management Association, described the situation of retail market conditions as "deep water".She pointed out that last year, Hong Kong people appeared in the north boom, coupled with the changes in the consumption habits and tourism models of visiting Hong Kong visitors, the business of Hong Kong's retail industry continued to decline, down as high as double digits.

Xie Qiu Aoyi said: "Since last year, we have seen the phenomenon of traveling in the Mainland (mainland China). Many passengers have changed the way to enjoy Hong Kong tourism.Care more care of the overall consumption experience. "

In fact, the number of travelers visiting Hong Kong after the epidemic was not as good as the epidemic, and the consumption model changed. In addition, a large number of Hong Kong people went north to consume, in addition to the serious loss of local consumption in Hong Kong, it also exacerbated the operating pressure of the food industry.In some restaurants, they have difficulty in the epidemic in three years, but after the epidemic, it is difficult to escape the fate.In the past half of the year, there has been a wave of business suspension in Hong Kong, and the number of vacant stores on the street has increased significantly.

A group of Facebook social platforms appeared a few months ago, a group called "Following the Meeting Message of Store in Hong Kong".Nearly 360,000 netizens have joined the group so far.Many Hong Kong people have continuously shared the photos of business shops and streets in various districts in the group, and lamented that Hong Kong's retail and catering industry markets are terrible today.

The dishes provided by the two meals are diversified, generally only 30 to 40 Hong Kong dollars, which is convenient and fast to buy.Said, economical and time -saving.(Photo by Dai Qingcheng)

In addition to the wage earner, it also attracts celebrities to patronize

However, just when the retail market in Hong Kong was silent, the two meals emerged again. During the epidemic period and after the restoration of last year, many Hong Kong people patronized. Among them, there were not only ordinary migrant workers, but also many celebrities.

At the end of last year, some netizens shared photos on the Internet, saying that they encountered star Zhou Runfa in a two -cricket restaurant in Sheung Wan, and found that he was also a fan of two rice.

Some netizens uploaded photos of Zhou Runfa (wearing black hat) on Facebook's "Hong Kong Two Rice Following Group" at the end of last year.(Take from Facebook)

In the photo, the brother appeared in the shape of a full black dress, and generously took a photo with the staff of the two rice rice, and pointed to the selection of amaranth in the restaurant.As soon as the post came out, it attracted a large number of netizens to watch and leave a message to ask: "What did you order?"

Gregory May, the Consul General of the United States, published personal activity information through social platforms from time to time.In November 2022, he also took advantage of the two meals in Hong Kong to patronize a two -cricket restaurant in Wan Chai and tasted the local specialty lunch box.He later posted a post through the Internet team to describe the "affordable and delicious price" of the two rice, which became a hot online talk. Many netizens left a message to communicate with him the two rice.

The US Consul General in Hong Kong and Macao Mei Ruui patronized the two hotels in November 2022.(Facebook from the US Consulate in Hong Kong and Macau)
The rise of

The rise of the two rice rice is closely related to the outbreak of the crown disease in 2020. During the epidemic, the Hong Kong catering industry was severely impacted.Provide food services, stores that are still operating can only provide takeaway services.This restrictions lasted until mid -2022.The two rice rice came in during this period, and it appeared in large quantities like the rain.

Huang Xuxi, who is engaged in social workers, founded the "Hong Kong Two Rice Following Group" on Facebook Social Platform at the end of 2020. He communicated with netizens for two meals. At present, there are more than 150,000 members in the group.According to his statistics, the number of two restaurants in Hong Kong has increased from about 100 at the end of 2021 to more than 500 times, an increase of more than four times.

Huang Xuxi pointed out in an interview with Lianhe Zaobao that after the immigration of the Hong Kong people, the consumption of consumption in the north became windy, and the business of local restaurants was bleak, but the two rice fans not only did not fade in the past year, but had a lot of breakthroughs.For example, some dishes sold by some two restaurants are becoming more and more diversified. In addition to traditional cornfish pieces, steamed eggs and other common dishes, there are also high -end ingredients such as abalone, dragon, and sheep.

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At the same time, the competition between the two restaurants is also increasing. In addition to the competition of chain catering and large supermarkets, some of the famous two restaurants have recently opened branches and have appeared in group operations.Due to lack of competitiveness in the weak strength, they can only choose to end their business and show the situation of weakness and strength.

In addition, the two rice also has a tendency to "bloom everywhere" in Hong Kong.Some two restaurants have fallen from the store rents after the epidemic, expanded from the commercial area to the residential area, and even settled in the core business districts such as Central. Every time in lunch, some two restaurants in Central District are crowded, attracting many finances, attracting many financesTalent and foreigners lined up to buy.

Zhu Mingjie, a joint director of the Hong Kong Real Estate Agency Shop Department, said: "During the epidemic, the average of four or five new restaurants in non -core areas will open;Instead, they started to rent some core areas, from the past to the people who bought them from school to buy home to eat, and now attract office workers to buy lunch back to the company. "

Traditional restaurant services have poor services to spray the two meals incense

Huang Xuxi, the founder of Facebook, who is familiar with the Hong Kong Liang Rice Industry "Hong Kong Two Rice Following Group", believes that Hong Kong people are keen to patronize the two restaurants., Replaced the role of home dishes (Cantonese, referring to home -cooked dishes cooked by ordinary people)."At the price of more than 30 Hong Kong dollars or more than HK $ 60, you can enjoy high -quality ingredients. This is the biggest reason for the two rice rice to stand out among many catering choices."

Huang Xuxi, the founder of Facebook "Hong Kong Two Rice Following Group", believes that general restaurants and two restaurants are two different markets.Be eliminated.(Photo by Dai Qingcheng)

There are also opinions in the workshop that the reason why Hong Kong is popular for two rice is the main reason for Hong Kong's economic downturn. Citizens have to tighten their pants to bring their lives.

But Huang Xuxi pointed out that in recent years, Hong Kong's unemployment rate is low, and it can be seen that the relationship between the two is not too great.In fact, many Hong Kong people usually save money, but they will eat very rich in weekends, or they will consume in the north.He believes that another reason for the rise of the two meals in Hong Kong is related to the difficulty of serving the traditional food industry.

Huang Xuxi took his own experience as an example. In March this year, he went to the restaurant near the company to eat, and found that there was a bad hygiene in it.A seat, but the food is not delicious.Essence

In contrast, the two rice meals are cost -effective, so they are becoming more and more popular with Hong Kong people.Huang Xuxi said: "There were customers who once left a message on the website of the two hotels, saying that the restaurant provides sandy fans. Can you also sell this dish? As a result, the Dongzhu of the two hotels really wants to make it. This service experienceVery good.

Cai Sixing, a lecturer of the General Scholars of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, said in an interview with Lianhe Zaobao that from 2021, information about the two rice began to appear frequently in the field of social networks and public opinion in Hong Kong, which was related to the epidemic at the time.However, after Hong Kong's full recurrence last year, a series of epidemic prevention restrictions such as the seating rate of Tangshi have ended. The demand for only two meals that takes for takeaway should theoretically decline, but the business of restaurants has not yet declined.

Cai Sixing said: "In recent years, the problem of inflation is serious, and the price of many restaurants in Hong Kong is expensive, but the service attitude of the restaurant is very poor, which has led to Hong Kong people more or more biased to benefit and benefit."

In addition, many citizens in Hong Kong have slowly changed the dining culture under the influence of the epidemic in the past three years, used to takeaway, and the two meals provided a cheap and convenient choice.

Analysis: There are many difficulties and challenges to strengthen the two rice

Looking forward to the future, Huang Xuxi believes that the wave of two rice in Hong Kong will not disappear after the epidemic.He saw that the two rice was developing steadily in another food industry model.

Huang Xuxi said in the traditional hair salon and emerging single -cut specialty store as an example: "In the past, Hong Kong people cut their hair, oil, and dyeing hair. Most of them would choose a professional hairstyle house. In recent yearsSingle -cut shop.

He believes that general restaurants and two restaurants are two different markets. The market for the two rice rice has taken shape and will not be easily scuttered in the future.

But Huang Xuxi pointed out that if the two rice rice in Hong Kong wants to grow, it is the biggest key to face many difficulties and challenges."At present, a good master of Chinese cuisine in Hong Kong is hard to find. Some two restaurants have opened branches, and more people have criticized the quality of food. How to manage the two restaurants test the owner's ability."

Cai Sixing believes that some two restaurants in Hong Kong may consider the development of medium and high -end routes in the future.For example, foreigners travel to Taiwan and can easily buy railway bento at Taipei Station.If the two meals can become a high -speed rail or aircraft meal in Hong Kong, only the Hong Kong -style diet combinations such as burning, fish and eggs and instant noodles can be changed, which will enrich Hong Kong's foreign diet image.