Some large state -owned financial companies in mainland China have reported that Hong Kong employees have requested that Hong Kong employees refund some of the salary.Earlier, the object of this requirement was limited to mainland employees.

Bloomberg News Tuesday (July 16) quoted people familiar with the matter that in recent months, some Hong Kong executives of Everbright Group and Huarong International have been required to refund some of the past bonuses.

A person familiar with the matter said that after inspecting the central government's main subsidiary of the Everbright Group in Hong Kong and the local business of Everbright Holdings, the proportion of employees in Hong Kong is required%.It is unclear how many employees will be affected, and whether they will affect the employees of the following levels.

Bloomberg reported that this change highlights that Chinese state -owned financial institutions have stricter management of salary issues. Previously, these institutions mainly limited the salary of mainland employees.In recent years, as Beijing has strengthened the supervision of the financial field, Chinese bankers are facing increasing pressure.During the slowdown of the Chinese economy, the high salary of bankers caused public criticism.

It is unclear how many financial entities will be affected by the above requirements, but this measure may exacerbate the question of how long the outside world can maintain the status of Hong Kong's financial center.Due to the restrictions on travel during the crown disease and the political turmoil that occurred in previous years, Hong Kong's status as an international financial center was impacted.

According to reports, the measurement of employees' retirement measures may also cause the recovery of Hong Kong's downturn and the real estate market to be postponed.

Since April this year, the Chinese public fund company has rumored rumors that employees have retired.Earlier, the market circulated that a central enterprise requested that its public fund companies to pay more than 2.9 million yuan (RMB, Same, S $ 540,000) from the end of June to mid -August from the end of June to mid -August.Whether it belongs to previous years of deferred release.There are also rumors that employees with an annual annual salary of more than 3 million yuan in public fund companies in 2019 are required to retire.

According to the surging news reported on June 27, the above -mentioned rumors verifying the content is true, but it only occurs in individual public fund companies.

Among the more than 20 public offerings who have been verified, half of the public offerings of the public offering of public offerings have expressed their unawareness, and no notice of such regulations has not been received by the regulatory layer.A public offerings said that some central enterprises in the industry did have guiding opinions about "retirement", but they did not see the official confirmation of such information.