Recently, the Hong Kong High Court made a decision on "conspiracy to subvert the crime of state power".The Chinese Ministry of National Security issued a post on Tuesday (June 18) that the case was not a general legal case trial, and it was a big test related to national security and the authority of the rule of law.Whether it is the interrogation process or the results of the ruling, it shows the openness, transparency and fairness of the current judicial system of Hong Kong, and announced the zero tolerance attitude of the Hong Kong government to subvert the actions of the state power, allowing Hong Kong to maintain the national security legal system "long tooth thorn".Hong Kong's future similar case ruling has important reference significance.

The Ministry of National Security of China issued a post through the WeChat account that the Hong Kong High Court made a decision on "conspiracy to subvert the crime of national power".The Department of Justice has appealed on an innocent ruling of 1 person.Coupled with the 31 defendants who had pleaded guilty before the interrogation, of the 47 people involved in the case.

The article says that this case is not an ordinary legal case trial. It is the iconic case that has the largest number of people and the longest trial time since the implementation of the Hong Kong National Security Law.The case is a big test related to national security and the authority of the rule of law.The ruling of this case is also being prosecuted to the Ranzhong Hong Kong forces and the US Western external forces. Those who dare to challenge China's national security bottom line will be severely punished by the law.

The article also said that a large number of conclusive evidence in this case shows that the so -called "primary selection" planned by Dai Yaoting's anti -China Random Port forces in 2020 is a through illegal means, severe interference, obstruction, and obstructions, obstruction, andDestroying the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region's government agencies to perform their functions in accordance with the law, aiming to subvert the conspiracy operation of state power.

The disruptive method of the implementation of the anti -China -China Random Hong Kong forces is to reject the government's appropriation by illegally seizing the Hong Kong Legislative Council for more than half of the seats, and to manufacture the crisis of governance of the special zone.In this way, they forced the central government to announce that the SAR entered an emergency state, causing the government and society to stop, and then inciting street movements. "Impact and destruction. "

The article said that after 118 days of the trial of the case, both parties to the prosecution could fully demonstrate evidence and words, and balanced their rights to safeguard national security and ensure the freedom of the rights of the parties.In more than 300 pages of verdicts, the court made a clear decision on various legal disputes involved in the case in accordance with the Hong Kong National Security Law and related laws, and made a clear explanation of the reasons for the ruling.

Whether it is the interrogation and the results of the ruling, it all shows the openness, transparency and fairness of the current judicial system of Hong Kong.The court's ruling clarified the definition and legal provisions of "subverting the crime of state power", announced the zero tolerance attitude of the SAR's subversion of state power, and allowed Hong Kong to maintain the "long teeth thorn" to maintain the national security legal system.The significance of important reference is very far -reaching.

The article pointed out that for more than three years, during the interrogation of the US Western forces in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Court, at all costs, the 47s were guilty, interference in case trials, and even scolded political means and misleading speech.The eyes are interfering with China's internal affairs and Hong Kong affairs, and seriously violate the basic criteria for international law and international relations.Not only did they continue to discredit Hong Kong's political and legal system, they continued to pressure the Hong Kong SAR Government through the production of Hong Kong -related reports, the launch of the Hong Kong -related bill, discrediting Hong Kong's free retribution, and beautifying the image of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.A new round of public opinion and sanctions against Hong Kong.

At the end of the article, the Hong Kong government and law enforcement judicial personnel have maintained national security with practical actions and defended the valuable spirit of rule of law.It turns out that after the promulgation of the Hong Kong National Security Law and the maintenance of national security regulations, Hong Kong's political ecology has improved significantly, social order has been restored, the business environment has been continuously optimized, economic development has returned to track, and the spirit of the rule of law is even more prominent.Maintaining national sovereignty, security, and development benefits is the highest principle of the "one country, two systems".Under the escort of high levels of safety, the wheels that firmly believe that the wheel of the "Hong Kong" in the new era will definitely go forward and unstoppable.