Since the start of a new round of interest rate hikes in the United States in 2022, the real estate market bubble in Hong Kong has been pierced quickly, and residential prices have fallen year after year.However, even if property prices have fallen from a high level by two and a half, Hong Kong is still one of the most difficult cities in the world ’s living costs.

According to the international public policy advisory agency Demographia released the international property property burden capacity report last week, Hong Kong's property price to the income ratio is the list of the most difficult cities in the world for the 14th consecutive year. The latest announced ratio is 16.7More, that is, a family can not eat or drink for 16.7 years to buy a home in Hong Kong.

The issue of the Hong Kong property market has not been resolved for a long time. How to make the unprepared industry be able to "get on the car" and become the difficult issue for the boss of the past special zone governments.In particular, the problem of mortuary, Xia Baolong, director of the Hong Kong and Macao Office of the State Council of the State Council of the Chinese State Council in Hong Kong in Hong Kong in 2021, proposed that Hong Kong must bid farewell to the mortuary and cage house, so that the houses have become the focus of attention from all walks of life.

The house can be said to be one of the characteristics of Hong Kong.It generally appears in the old building. The owner divides a ordinary residential unit into multiple small independent houses, and rents thousands of Hong Kong dollars a month for each house to different people.Some grass -roots citizens cannot afford a house and cannot afford high rents. They have to live in the house, so that the mortuary has a long -term market demand.

The data from the Hong Kong Government show that about 220,000 people in Hong Kong live in about 110,000 mortuary units.Among them, about 60 % of the mortuary is located in Kowloon District, 20 % of the New Territories, and 20 % in Hong Kong Island.

Most of the mortuary is located in old buildings with 50 years or more in the building, and only about 10 % of the mortuary is located in buildings 49 years or less.In addition, most of the mortuary area is small, with a median number of 11.6 square meters, of which about half of the mounds are less than 13 square meters.Hong Kong 2030 +, published by the Hong Kong Government in 2021, has proposed to increase the per capita living space to 20 to 22 square meters.According to this standard, most of Hong Kong's mortuary is like a "coffin room", and the living environment is extremely unsatisfactory.

The Legislative Council of the Legislative Council who has followed up the mortuary has revealed earlier that he visited the three major mortuary concentrations with the team in the past year and found that some of the mortuary living environment was particularly poor.Or the coffin house, as well as the "tree house". The family of four must climb the rectangular entrance before entering the living space. Eating and sleeping cannot stand. You must bend your lower body for a long time.There are also some housing no windows or windows, and the residents often open the door to ventilate.

Hong Kong's poor and other people ’s snails are in crowded homes. These phenomena are heartbroken and also damage the image of Hong Kong.However, for a long time, the Hong Kong Government often has a mentality that should not interfere with the market and has a negative look at the problem of mortuary.It was not until Xia Baolong's visits to Hong Kong in 2021 and put forward the vision of "farewell to the mortuary" that the Hong Kong government began to make a difference.

During the time to increase the time to subsidize the housing unit, the period of public housing is still long during the period. Under the reality that it is difficult to fully solve the problem of mortuary in a short time, the Hong Kong Government has begun to focus on launching the simple public housing plan in recent years to build a lotShort -term units provide residential residential residential residential residential residential residences.

The Housing Bureau announced a few days ago that the first batch of 4,400 minimalist public housing located on Yuen Longyou Road and Niutou Caixing Road, respectively, will accept the application from the 24th of this month.It is generally believed that the rent of minimalist public housing is cheap, complete equipment, and the living environment is better than that of houses, which can help some shell -free clan that are urgent.

In addition, the official announced the establishment of a cross -department "solve the problem group of mortuary problems" in the policy report last year.The minimum standard mortuary is proposed to ban methods, hoping to gradually ban the inferior mortuary, and orderly to the ultimate goal of farewell to the mortuary.

“解决劏房问题”工作组将在今年8月向港府提交报告,房屋局局长何永贤日前透露,官方届时会考虑设劏房登记制度,研究为劏房设定最低标准,包括将The minimum area is set between 75 and 108 square feet, and the minimum standard is set at the height of the unit, so as to ban inferior mounds.

At present, under the vigorous promotion of the Hong Kong government, the problem of Hong Kong's mortuary has gradually seen the dawn of solution.However, the Hong Kong Government should also be careful while continuing to solve the problem of mortuary. After all, the housing demand of the housing households will not disappear as the mortuary is banned. If the lack of supporting facilities will be forcibly shot, and other problems will be derived at any time.A survey released by Hong Kong's Non -profit group Ai Ai Community Development Service last Sunday (June 16) found that 70 % of the residents of 231 mortuary or board houses in favor of the Hong Kong Government's legislative regulation and inferior mortuary housesBut at the same time, more than 60 % of the respondents were worried that the official banning inferior houses would cause them to find units that could bear rent in the urban area.

In any case, housing is still the biggest problem in Hong Kong, and living and banning the houses are the common wishes of society.The Hong Kong Government still needs to work hard to find more land in the urban area, build a house in all directions, improve the living environment of grass -roots citizens, and let Hong Kong bid farewell to the mortuary as soon as possible.As a prosperous international metropolis, there are still citizens who want to shrink the bad environment, and they can't say anyway.