The public housing unit of the former chairman of Hong Kong's Zhi Luo Guancong, reportedly recovered by the Hong Kong Housing Department because the unit had owed rent and violated the lease.

Sing Tao Daily and Dongwang and other Hong Kong media on Sunday (June 16) quoted unknown news that Luo Guancong's mother was recovered by the Housing Department in the public housing unit in Dongyong Yidong (I).The Housing Department then responded to the media inquiry and confirmed the relevant news, saying that the relevant unit had arrears and violated the lease.Essence

The Housing Department further said that under normal circumstances, after recovering the vacant public housing unit, the department will be mixed to other needs families after completing the renovation project.

Observed outside the above unit on Sunday, I found that there is an iron chain on the iron gates on the iron gates; the unit is posted outside the door, saying that the unit has been recovered on June 3, but there are still many in the house, but there are still many cases inside the house.Items, including TVs, air conditioners, refrigerators and other electrical appliances, as well as many bags of debris.

The Hong Kong government first quoted the maintenance of the national security regulations (commonly known as Article 23 of the Basic Law) last Wednesday (June 12)., Revisit their special zone passports and prohibit the citizens from providing funds to them.

In July of last year, the National Security Office of the Hong Kong Police Department brought Luo Guancong's parents and brothers back to the police station to question, and they were all allowed to leave.

The office was a red Hong Kong dollars ($ 170,000) wanted eight Hong Kong people involving the Hong Kong National Security Law in July last year, including Luo Guancong.