Lu Chongmao, director of the Hong Kong Medical and Health Bureau, said that the Hong Kong Government considers to imitate Singapore and implement completely smoking for specific areas.

Comprehensive Sing Tao Daily and NOW News reported that the Hong Kong Government announced the results and measures of public consultation strategies earlier, and implemented 10 short -term smoke control measures including expanding the smoking -nting area.Day) Talk about related issues on TV shows.

Lu Chongmao said that the government will clearly list the scope of the tobacco control areas and smoke -free areas, and will also set up indicator signs at the door of individual places to remind the public.However, he pointed out that smokers need time habits when they are expanding their specified scope. For example, when they reach the door of the kindergarten, they may be reminded at first, but they will be conscious after a period of time.

Lu Chongmao said: "Singapore's tobacco control policy is more stringent. The entire road is not allowed to smoke in Wujie Road in the business area of ​​their tourism business district."Full smoking.

Professor of the School of Nursing of the University of Hong Kong and Wang Wenbing, a member of the Hong Kong Smoking and Health Committee, suggested that the government can accelerate the launch of short -term smoke control measures, and should also actively contact smokers and provide short -term smoking quit services.Organizations such as bureaus, University of Hong Kong assistance to quit smoking.

Wang Wenbing believes that it is necessary to beware of opposing the name of smokers and policies.He believes that smoking control measures will not affect the tourism industry. The government has been controversial when smoking in the restaurant for many years. Now the restaurant business has improved, and smokers only account for a few. I believe most passengers do not smoke.