The Japanese government announced that the nuclear waste water was launched on Thursday (August 24).It is not ruled out that the ban will be expanded.

A joint press conference was held on Wednesday (August 23) of multiple Hong Kong Government departments to announce a series of measures to strengthen the safety of Japanese food, including: from Thursday, the Food Safety Center will announce the radiation testing of Japanese imported food every day every day.As a result, the Fisheries Agency will monitor the radiation level of local fish products every day and announce the results on the website.The Observatory will encrypt the level of radiation in the Hong Kong waters until about once a month.

Xie Zhanhuan, director of the Hong Kong Environment and Ecological Bureau, was interviewed by the radio program on Wednesday. He criticized the Japanese government's irresponsibility of nuclear waste water and sea, and passed the risks to others.In addition, it is difficult for the Japanese government to ensure that there will be no problems in the process.

When asked if the Hong Kong Government would further expand the scope of the ban in the future, Xie Zhanhuan responded that it was believed that the scope of the current ban is large and there is sufficient insurance.However, when the official detects radiation, if the aquatic products in other counties in Japan are found to have obvious problems, they will consider expanding the ban, and the possibility of this stage will not be too great.

After the Japanese government recently announced that from Thursday to discharge the nuclear waste water from the Fukushima nuclear power plant into the sea, the Hong Kong Government announced that it was prohibited from being from Tokyo, Fukushima, Chiba, Tochigi, Ido, Qunma, Miyagi, Niigata, and Niigata from Thursday., Nagano and Saitama, including the import of aquatic products in 10 cities, including all living, freezing, refrigerated, drying or other methods of aquatic products, sea salt, and unprocessed or processed seagrass.Violations of the ban can be fined 100,000 Hong Kong dollars (S $ 17,303) and imprisonment for 12 months.Official reminder that online purchasing is commercial import and is also regulated by relevant ban.

Xie Zhanhuan said that the scope of the current ban is only extended to products that are imported and sold and commercial;However, he reminded that aquatic products in related areas have greater radiation risks. If Hong Kong citizens visit these counties, they should not buy local aquatic products to bring them into Hong Kong, which is not good for their health.

In addition to Hong Kong, the Macau Customs also said on Wednesday that it will strengthen customs inspection from Thursday and strictly implement the ban on imports of 10 counties in Japan.

Macau Customs will strictly enforce the Chief Executive's instructions and comprehensively strengthen the inspection of imported goods and people from various ports.Among them, especially the items carried by people from Japan from Japan, improved their inspection efforts to prevent food from flowing into Macau to maintain the health of residents.

The Macau Customs and the Municipal Department will continue to cooperate closely, strengthen inspection of the city's food restaurants, check the source of food, to combat stores or restaurants that prohibit imported ingredients to ensure food safety.

The Macau Customs calls for residents to travel to Japan to return to Australia with the above -mentioned prohibited imports.In addition, Macau Customs proposes that residents and passengers should first understand the regulations of items entering and leaving Macau. In addition to being controlled by foreign trade regulations, some items must apply for certificates and permits in advance.

Chen Weiqiang, a lecturer of Hong Kong University of Technology Hong Kong Specialty College, believes that the Hong Kong government will follow Beijing's foreign policy.If the Hong Kong people continue to dissatisfy and the central government will increase the efforts of countermeasures, the Hong Kong government will follow. "

Chen Weiqiang said that this incident has a great impact on Hong Kong's retail and food industry, because there are many industries related to Japanese food in Hong Kong. I believe that many Japanese -style restaurants will be closed in the next six months.