The third aircraft carrier in China appeared in the news network on Tuesday (January 2). The three electromagnetic ejection tracks were clearly visible. According to the screen, military commentators have entered the end of construction.It will be carried out soon.

CCTV News Broadcast reported on Tuesday that the Chinese PLA officers and soldiers gathered in preparing for the war, anchoring the target of the founding of the founding army for 100 years, and equipped with the Chinese Air Force, the Army, and the Navy.Essence

Compared with the picture of the Fujian ship launching in the Fujian ship last June, the construction sheds on the electromagnetic ejection device of Fujian ship have been dismantled in this picture released by CCTV, and the three ejection tracks are clearly visible.

Shenzhen Satellite TV direct news quoted special commentator Shi Hong analyzed that from the disclosure of the three electromagnetic ejection tracks, it can be seen that the Fujian ship has now entered the end of construction.In other words, the Fujian ship has basically taken shape.

Shi Hong said that except for some ship equipment, the lines on the deck have not been completed, and the Fujian ship can basically be said to have been completed.This also means that the Fujian ship is getting closer and closer to the sea test.

In addition, Shi Hong also pointed out that because the front of the flying deck is straight, more carrier -based aircraft can be parked in front of the Fujian ship.Quickly dispatch of carrier -based aircraft.

The Fujian ship with

18 "18" is the third aircraft carrier in China after the Liaoning and Shandong ships, and the first ejection aircraft carrier designed and built in China.

The ship adopts a flat -headed long flight deck, equipped with electromagnetic ejection and blocking device. It has a full -load displacement of more than 80,000 tons and was launched in June 2022.

A spokesman for the Ministry of National Defense Wu Qian in November last November should have revealed that the Fujian ship is conducting a peripheral test and will be steadily promoted by the plan to promote the construction project.

Song Zhongping, a military commentator, introduced to the WeChat "Zhengzhi" under the Beijing Youth Daily. Generally speaking, the construction process of the aircraft carrier is divided into several important nodes: the establishment of items and starting (the overall assembly after the construction), the overall assembly after the construction), the whole), the overall), the whole), the whole), the whole), the whole)Laing in water, dresses, wandering, sea test.

Compared with the construction and service process of the first two aircraft carriers Liaoning and Shandong ships in China, Song Zhongping pointed out that during the construction of the dock, many systems and equipment have been installed simultaneously, which greatly simplifies or even skipped the water into the water.The latter -dressed link creates conditions for directly carrying out the above -mentioned mooring test, saving the construction period.