The US electric vehicle giant Tesla's car delivery in the fourth quarter of last year was exceeded expected, but its global sales still lagged behind Chinese competitors BYD. BYD has now become the world's largest electric vehicle manufacturer.

Comprehensive Bloomberg, Financial Times and reported that in the past three months, Tesla's delivery volume was 484,550, surpassing the average estimated 483,173 vehicles.At the same time, Bybia sold a total of 520,6409 pure electric vehicles, surpassing Tesla to sit on the world's top chairs.

Reporting analysis, BYD's overtaking Tesla is mainly due to BYD's wider product line in China and low prices.

Although Tesla surpassed the delivery target of 1.8 million vehicles throughout the year last year, it is far less than that of the company's CEO Mask's more magnificent estimation 12 months ago, that is, Tesla has the potential to have the potential.Production of 2 million cars a year.Tesla sacrificed a series of price reductions last year, but failed to stimulate enough market demand to digest huge production capacity.

BYD's production and sales express report on January 1 this year shows that in December last year, BYD's new energy vehicle sales were about 340,000 units, an increase of 45 % year -on -year.New energy vehicle delivery list is the first, and BYD's 3 million annual sales goals are achieved.

The changes in the above sales ranking also reflect China's growing influence in the global automotive industry.After surpassing the United States, South Korea, and Germany in the past few years, China may have surpassed Japan last year to become the world's largest passenger vehicle exporter.