From the end of 2023, it began in 2024, and Greater China has spent a relatively calm weekend.The slightly set off is the only round of the television debate in the Taiwan election.

Two debates, all parties of all parties, tongue swords, firepower confrontation, and cross -strait subjects were fired again.The Presidential Candidate of the Democratic Progressive Party Lai Qingde throws out "the disaster theory of the Republic of China" (He later explained that he was wrong, and said that his original intention was to express the "Constitution of the Republic of China"), which not only caused a strong attack on the opposition party in Taiwan, but also attacked Beijing.In addition, high -end vaccines that have received much attention during the epidemic period have once again become a topic of offense and defense between parties.

Less than two weeks before voting, will these topics be fermented, and how much impact will it affect the election?Can the DPP "Lai Xiao Bing" convert the weak advantages of polls into the final vote advantage?Is there still a chance to integrate in the opposition party, will it have an abandoned effect?Is it possible to have a shocking bomb that will be elected before voting?The answers to these questions are yet to be announced.

The result of the Taiwan election was the first suspense in Greater China in 2024, and it was closely related to the situation on both sides of the strait.

So far, Lai Qingde, who claims to be "pragmatic Taiwan independence workers", is the most likely candidate to reach the top.If the Green Camp continues to be in power, even if it does not move towards the constitutional founding of the country, Tsai Ing-wen eight yearsForeign and Cross -Strait routes will also be continued , and it is impossible for the two sides to regain the "1992 Consensus" that Beijing is regarded as a political foundation.At the same time, Beijing will increase pressure on Taiwan in all aspects of military, economy, and diplomacy. Even if it is not rushed to achieve unity with force, the situation of the Taiwan Strait's swordsmanship will become more and more severe.

Whether the regional situation will become more dangerous, and even dramatic mutations will also depend on Sino -US relations.After the Sino -US dollar met in San Francisco last November, the relationship between the two countries ushered in a respiratory period, but how long the stable situation will last is another suspense in 2024.

The Hong Kong Globalization Center pointed out in the 2024 forecast released on Friday (December 29) that China and the United States will enter a new state of competition in 2024. It is different from the Cold War or Fire.Cold and "" state.The two sides will maintain relatively restraint on the Taiwan issue to avoid direct force confrontation, but military coercion will continue or even upgrade.Island chain.

The above report also pointed out that due to the intensification of pan -security atmosphere, China and the United States will pay more attention to risk prevention in high -tech, economy and supply chain.In the next year or even more, under the main base of risks, the competition between the two countries in the new technology field will become more and more intense, and the "wall" of the American "small courtyard wall" will become higher and higher.

As the United States officially enters the election year, the "China Bashing" that will always appear before the election will probably come as scheduled.Although this is the election language to a certain extent, once the "Taiwan card" and "Chinese threat theory" are fired, the fragile Sino -US relations are likely to deteriorate, and it is not difficult to imagine the trough last year.

However, for a large country like China, the external environment is still more impatient than the internal situation.After 2023, whether the Chinese economy can break through in 2023, it is a question in many people's hearts.

Throughout 2023, China is expected to complete the 5 % growth goal set at the beginning of the year. This growth rate is higher than that of many developed economies.However, it is undeniable that in the past year, the real estate market has depressed, local debt crisis, young people's employment difficulties, low willingness to consumption, capital evacuation, Lack of market confidence is a topic that people talk about frequently .These negative situations interact with social emotions, which will form a vicious circle, induce confidence to decline, and break through.

The end of last year coincided with The 45th Anniversary of the Central Plenary Session .The Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China was not held at the end of December as scheduled, but the senior officials of China finally rushed to the official in 2023 and made confidence in reform.

At the seminar on the 130th anniversary of Mao Zedong's birthday at the end of December, Chinese officials emphasized that it is necessary to further deepen reform and opening up, and describe this as "a key move to determine the success or failure of Chinese -style modernization", and requires "the strong determination to reform to the end, andMoving true, dare to touch hard. " New Year's Congratulations in 2024. Chinese official also reiterated that it must be comprehensively comprehensively comprehensively.Deepen reform and opening up and further boost development confidence. "

China urgently needs to deepen reform and opening up, but how can the official move real, dare to touch hard, will relax control, reduce intervention, and give more space, thereby stimulating the energy of market entities?Can official reforms meet the marketing and people's expectations for reform?The outside world is also watching.

At the end of the year, wealth newly called by the sharp dare to speak was removed.Following the theory published on December 25th, it was deleted by the ideological route that the ideological route was being deleted, and the review article of "Life Graduates", which was issued on the last day of 2023, also disappeared online.The peers said that the control of public opinion in 2024 is certain, and the suspense will just be tighter, which depends on the economic situation.

Stabilize the economy to stabilize the society, the social situation is stable, and public opinion may strive to get a little more space. This is China's reality.From this point of view, the biggest suspense in 2024 is the economy.