Chinese private equity company Shanghai Jinglin Assets shouted to investors that in 2024, China's A -shares and other equity markets will be a year when the income is far greater than the risk.The market will have the opportunity to double -click the performance and valuation.

Comprehensive Surging News and Sina Finance on Tuesday (January 2) reported that Gao Yuncheng, general manager, partner, and fund manager of Jinglin assets, recently issued a letter to investors in 2023.

Gao Yuncheng said in the letter that in 2023, the development of almost all industries followed a rule, that is, the emergence of new products and new services stimulated demand, and promoted the rapid growth of the supply side.Fast development beyond phased demand, leading to decline in product prices and downward valuations.Whether it is once mobile communications, the Internet, or the current photovoltaic and electric vehicle industry chain, it is inevitable to experience this rule.

As a result, he summarized that the invention of new technologies, the development of new markets, the success of the new business model, and the emergence of new products or services will be the core element of the Chinese economy out of the trough.

Looking forward to 2024, Gao Yuncheng said that the US dollar interest rate will fall at a high probability event, and high -quality development is also "OK Beta".After continuous adjustment, many listed companies in China are now very cheap. The valuation of the photovoltaic and electric vehicle industry chain is already equal to the traditional cyclical industry. The valuation of brand consumer goods companies is also at the bottom of history.The producer price index (PPI) is also at a low position.

He believes that once China ’s nominal GDP grows back in 2024,“ the profit of the enterprise will return to increase, and the performance and valuation (upward) double -click at that time.

For the 2024 A -share equity market, Gao Yuncheng summarized that in the case of various expectations at a low level, 2024 will be a year when the income is far greater than the risk.

Jinglin Asset Management Company was established in 2004. It is a private equity fund management company that mainly invested in securities of China and related domestic and foreign listed companies.ADRS, etc., manages assets exceeding $ 20 billion (about S $ 26.3 billion).

In June last year, Gao Bin, the former chairman of Shanghai Jinglin Investment, was rumored to be taken away by the relevant departments, causing market attention.In December of the same year, Gao Bin confirmed that he had been arrested.