Xiaomi Group issued a statement on Tuesday (December 19) stating that during the working period of the three former employees of the Xiaomi Automobile Department, they participated in the "Xiaomi Automobile Symposium" organized by external brokers and investment institutions without permission to create a large numberFor errors and false information, Xiaomi Group has fired and non -recruited.

Xiaomi ’s malicious leakage and rumors issued by Xiaomi on the official Weibo states that the three former employees of Xiaomi, namely Yu Mou (employee of the former electrical control system and software team), Shi Mou (front rush Chongmou (front rush Chongchuka)Employees of the casting crafts), Zhang (employee of the former mass production quality team), November and December this year, for the purpose of collecting "consultation fees", without permission to participate in the "Xiaomi Automobile Symposium organized by external securities firms and investment institutions,", Fabricated a large amount of errors and false information, seriously misleading the market and disturbing the normal business of Xiaomi Automobile.

Statement states that the three former employees seriously violated the code of conduct of Xiaomi Group employees and the confidentiality obligations stipulated by the company. Xiaomi Group has fired and applied for it, and it is liable for legal responsibilities in accordance with the law.

The statement also mentioned that on December 17, Guan Moumou, an employee of the media "ZAKER", and "Xiaobai Buy" employee, signed a confidential commitment, knowing confidentiality obligations and corresponding penalties, but the corresponding penalties would beUnder the circumstances, the content of confidential shooting is intentionally leaked without permission.

After verified by the confidential management team of Xiaomi Group, the above two have acknowledged their violations of confidentiality obligations.After communicating with their media, the company will investigate the liability for leakage of the two and its media in accordance with the corresponding terms signed by both parties, including being limited to public apology and fines.

Since Xiaomi announced its entry into the smart automobile industry, Xiaomi Automobile's dynamics have been paying much attention.On November 15 this year, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of China released road motor vehicle manufacturers and product announcements showing that the product model of the Xiaomi pure electric car is BJ7000MBEVR2 and BJ7000MBEVA1.This means that BAIC off -road vehicle has become the foundry of Xiaomi Motor, and also said that Xiaomi Motor has obtained a "quasi -student permit".

A set of Xiaomi car real car photos appeared online.It is reported that Xiaomi Motors has locked the leak media and will be held accountable according to the signed confidential commitment letter, which signs the amount of the confidentiality agreement up to 3 million yuan (about S $ 571,000).In addition to the media leakage, Xiaomi Motor also had a series of rumors about the release time.