Zhang Hanhui, a Chinese ambassador to Russia, said in a written interview with Russian media that China has always hoped to cooperate with Russia to expand the entire industry chain of the energy industry.

According to the official website of the Chinese Embassy in Russia, Zhang Hanhui was interviewed on Tuesday (December 19) on the "Russian Russia" news agency on Sino -Russian relations and economic, trade, energy, tourism and other fields.The interview content was also released on the website of Russia and satellite clubs at the same time.

Russia released an interview with Zhang Hanhui, just as Russian Prime Minister Michase's Beijing visited China.Michase Jing arrived in Beijing on Tuesday and held annual intergovernmental consultations with Prime Minister of the State Council of China on the same day. On Wednesday (20th), he will also meet with Chinese President Xi Jinping.

For the cooperation between China and Russia in the energy field, Zhang Hanhui said that China and Russia have strong energy cooperation and broad prospects, and normal energy trade between China and Russia will not be disturbed by third parties.It will continue to maintain healthy and stable development.

Zhang Hanhui also said: "On the basis of trade, China has always hoped to expand cooperation in the entire industry chain of the energy industry. Chinese companies are willing to find new investment opportunities with Russian oil companies and other companies."Energy companies welcomed foreign investment in China.

For the "Siberian Power 2" project, Zhang Hanhui said that the current enterprises of both parties are actively discussing a series of issues such as project technology, business, and cooperation models."Both of the projects in such a large amount of projects need strict, scientific and systematic research and demonstrations."

Zhang Hanhui also said that China has always advocated the upstream and downstream integration model to carry out the "Siberian Power 2" project cooperation, not only the "Siberian Power 2" project, not only, not only is itBased on the consideration of extending simple trade to the entire industrial chain cooperation, considering the broad prospects of China's natural gas consumer market, it is hoped to establish a longer and stable cooperation model with Russia.

The high -level China -Russian high -level meetings have been frequent in the near future. China Deputy Prime Minister Ding Xuexiang co -hosted the 20th meeting of the China -Russia Energy Cooperation Commission in Beijing with Russian Deputy Prime Minister Novak on Friday (15th).