Ma Yun, the former boss and co -founder of Chinese technology giant Alibaba, has new moves.

Former Alibaba partner and former CEO of Ant Group, Hu Xiaoming, posted on Weibo on Monday (December 18) that the one -meter -eight agricultural technology company was officially established and he was the chairman and chief product controller.He said that the mission of one meter eight is to "make agriculture better due to technological innovation". He hopes to improve the efficiency of agriculture through technological innovation and provide consumers with better high -quality ingredients, so that farmers can get higher income.

Hu Xiaoming wrote in the post that today's agriculture needs more technological innovation, high -quality breeding needs, breeding needs, facility agriculture needs, and emphasizing that China needs more young people and talents engaged in the Internet and technology industryEntering agriculture.

Former Alibaba partner and former CEO of Ant Group, Hu Xiaoming, posted on Weibo on Monday (December 18) that one meter and eight agricultural technology company was officially established.(Screenshot of Hu Xiaoming's Weibo)

As for why the company is named one meter eight, Hu Xiaoming explained that this originated from the original intention of Jack Ma's participation in agriculture. "All mothers in the world hope that their children can grow healthily, and they are more than 1.8 meters tall. This is a good one. This is a good one.Wish, we hope that this concept can bring hope and goals to China's agriculture and food industry and ourselves. "

Comprehensive financial reports, Beijing Commercial Daily, and surging news reports, according to the corporate information database "Sky Eye Inspection", many companies related to one meter eight have been established.Among them, one meter Eight Agricultural Technology (Hainan) Co., Ltd. was established in May 2023, with a registered capital of $ 12 million (about S $ 15.99 million). In March of this yearshare.

In July of this year, one meter Yahaiyang Technology (Zhejiang) Co., Ltd. was established in Hangzhou with a registered capital of 110 million yuan (about S $ 21 million).Resource use of equipment manufacturing, fishery majors and auxiliary activities; intelligent agricultural management, supply chain management services, etc.Hu Xiaoming is the chairman of the company.

From the perspective of equity penetration information, 1.8 Meters Technology Holding Limited is a actual controller, with a shareholding ratio of 80%.The actual controllers of the 的 Culture and Art Co., Ltd. are Jack Ma.

In another one -meter -eight food technology (Zhejiang) Co., Ltd., which was established in August this year, Hangzhou Oshihuto Picai Culture and Art Co., Ltd. and Hu Xiaoming's Hangzhou Yuansong Equity Investment Co., Ltd. also appeared.In the list of shareholders.The company is mainly engaged in research and test development.

In November this year, the information of the public credit information publicity system of China ’s national enterprise shows that Hangzhou Majia Kitchen Food Co., Ltd. (referred to as the Majia Kitchen) is established, and the business scope includes food sales (only pre -packaged food), imports and exports of goods, imports and exports of goods2. Edible agricultural products wholesale, the company holds the shares of Hangzhou Daikou Picai Culture and Art Co., Ltd.

prefabricated dishes are semi-finished or finished foods produced by various processes such as pre-selection and modulation in food factories.(Internet)

Among them, the business project of "pre -packaging food" reminds the outside world's prefabricated dishes that are still in the air.However, former assistant Chen Wei Chen Wei posted in the WeChat circle of friends and said, "The Ma Family Kitchen must not make prefabricated dishes" and revealed Ma Yun's strong interest in eating."Eating is the avenue of earth, not a track to invest in making big money."

It seems that with the establishment of the "one meter and eight series" company, the real layout of Ma Yun has become clearer.

Jack Ma Zhou Tour the Nation for the Nation

In October 2020, after Jack Ma criticized the Chinese regulatory system at the Shanghai Bund Financial Summit, its commercial empire was immediately centered and the subsidiary Ant Group's $ 37 billion IPO was also stopped.Since then, he has basically maintained a low -key and faded out of the public vision.

But since September 2021, Ma Yun's name has continued to appear on the news layout, and most of them are related to agriculture and food.For example, Sing Tao Daily reported that Chinese social media circulated him on September 1st to investigate his own agricultural base located in Jiaxing Pinghu, Zhejiang Province.Then on October 19, the South China Morning Post, a subsidiary of Alibaba, quoted people familiar with the matter and said Ma Yun had gone to Spain to inspect agricultural and environmental issues related to environmental issues.

One week later, the South China Morning Post once again quoted people familiar with the matter and reported that Ma Yun visited research institutions in the Netherlands to inspect agricultural technology.People familiar with the matter said that Ma Yun believes that the technology he inspected will be combined with Alibaba's cloud computing, big data analysis and artificial intelligence technology, which can help Chinese agriculture to modernize.

According to the South China Morning Post, Ma Yun visited the Netherlands on July 2 last year and visited the University of Wakhunnen, known as Agricultural Research.The university said on the official website that Ma Yun "hopes to devote his time and energy to the aspect of agriculture and food, including on Gobi Beach."Gobi Beach is a dry area for many years.

The University of Wakhunnen released the news of Ma Yun (left) visiting the school on the official website on July 5, 2022.(Official Website of Wakhunnn University)

It is reported that Ma Yun also stayed in Japan for three months in 2022 and inspected the operation and technology of fish farming fields in the local area.After that, he went to Thailand in January this year to continue agricultural and fisheries research, including visiting a sea shrimp breeding plant.

According to the Hong Kong Economic Daily, Ma Yun also inspected Thailand's Zhengda Group at that time, and received Xie Guo, the richest man in Thailand and the senior chairman of Zhengda Group.The business is one of its core businesses in the Zhengda Group in more than 100 countries and regions around the world.

In April this year, the University of Tel Aviv, the University of Israel announced on the official website that Ma Yun will be a visitor professor at the university, and he will also participate in research on sustainable agriculture and food.

One month later, the University of Tokyo, Japan, appointed Ma Yun as a guest professor at Tokyo College.According to the official website of Tokyo College, the hospital expects Jack Ma to provide suggestions and support on important research topics of Dongda University, and hopes that he can carry out joint research projects with researchers in the East University, especially projects in the field of sustainable agriculture and grain production.

Integrate this series of high -profile actions and related reports, although Ma Yun has not announced, it is not difficult to infer that the commercial giant will be deeply cultivated in the agricultural field.

From the perspective of the outside world, the fate of Jack Ma and this field has been buried very earlyFailure.According to the WeChat public account "Huashang Tao Strategy", when Ma Yun attended the Davos Forum in 2019, some young people asked him in person: "If you start a business now, what kind of company would you do?"

Ma Yun replied: "First of all, I will not be an Internet -related company, there are too many smart people there, I can't compete with them, I will choose agriculture."

China attaches great importance to food security

Chinese officials requested at the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China last year that they must comprehensively consolidate the foundation of food safety. At the same time, we must firmly adhere to the Red Line of 1.8 billion mu of cultivated land, and gradually build all the permanent basic farmland into high standard farmland, and implement the seed industry.Actions of revitalization, strengthening agricultural science and technology and equipment support, improving the income guarantee mechanism of farmers' farmers and compensation mechanisms for the main production area, and ensuring that the Chinese rice bowls are firmly in their own hands.

In short, it is to promise to plant better crops, improve agricultural technology, and ensure farmers' income.

Chinese officials also emphasized when participating in the Jiangsu delegation during the "Two Sessions" of China this year that the agricultural power is the foundation of a socialist modern power. Promoting agricultural modernization is an inevitable requirement for achieving high -quality development.It is necessary to strictly adhere to the red line of cultivated land, stabilize the sowing area of ​​food, strengthen the construction of high -standard farmland, and effectively ensure the stable and safe supply of food and important agricultural products.

China is not difficult to understand the importance of grain safety.According to data released by the General Administration of Customs in January, China ’s grain imports in 2022 accounted for 21.4%of the total national food output in 2022."The Interpreter", a platform of the Lohe Research Institute of Australia, issued a March post saying that China is the world's largest importer in the world, including meat, dairy products, soybeans and corn.

World Bank data also shows that in 2021, the main suppliers of China's imported food are basically Western countries.This means that if there is any conflict between China in the future with the West, it may threaten China's food imports.

In addition, the Russian and Ukraine War has also pushed up the price of global edible oil, wheat and other grains. In addition, China has major climate events from time to time, such as floods in the "granary" Henan area.pressure.With a population of 1.4 billion, China is the country with the largest food consumption in the world.

Jack Ma attended the World Artificial Intelligence Conference in Shanghai on September 17, 2018.(Reuters archives)

Hu Xiaoming wrote in the post on Weibo on Monday that the name of the one meter eight company originated from the original intention of Jack Ma to participate in agriculture, but from the outside world, this may be that Ma Yun fades out of the technology industry, and it will be a new business.The ambition of the empire.

I believe that the official is also happy to see this. After all, private entrepreneurs like Ma Yun, if they can break through a day in the agricultural field, can give many "post -90s" who yearn for a large technology factory."Post -00" played an enlightenment role in employment.In this way, it can not only stabilize China's future vegetable baskets to a certain extent, but also help alleviate the problem of high unemployment rates.

As for Ma Yun himself, he will enter the year of his ears next year, and whether he can create another peak of life at that time, it needs time to give the answer.