The former Chinese ambassador to Japan, Cui Tiankai, said that in order to build a stable Sino -Japanese relations, China and Japan must work together to eliminate various interference.

According to the "Chinese Embassy in Japan" WeChat public account Sunday (December 17), Cui Tiankai visited Japan on Saturday (16th) to attend the 30 -year memorial service and Sino -Japanese relations in Hokuskuro in Japan.The seminar also delivered a speech.

Cui Tiankai said in his speech that in order to build a constructive and stable Sino -Japanese relations that meet the requirements of the new era, China and Japan must adhere to the original intention of normalization of diplomatic relations, adhere to the positioning of comprehensive promotion of strategic reciprocity, and towards correctness towards correctnessThe healthy and stable development of the direction has brought constructive results to the two countries, the Asia -Pacific region and the world.

He said that if he attempts to replace the partnership of China and Japan with the concept of "opponent", and use opposition and even confrontation to replace mutual benefit, it will cause substantial changes to the positioning of Sino -Japanese relations, which will be leveled out of the right track.In the direction of the wrong direction, it has a serious impact on the two countries, the status of the Asia -Pacific, and the world.

Cui Tiankai also said that China hopes that China, Japan, the United States, and Japan and the United States can interact benign, and China, the United States and Japan will become partners.At the same time, China and Japan are sovereign countries, and neighbor countries with water. Sino -Japanese relations have their own irreplaceable value and importance."Our foreign policy is independent and should not listen to anyone. The relationship between our two countries is autonomous and should not belong to any other relationship."

He emphasized, "Regardless of Sino -US relations, China -EuropeHow to evolve with the relationship between relations and other powers, China -Japan relations should also develop better. "In history, there are successful experiences in China and Japan in front of China and other Western countries, which should be the direction of both sides' efforts in the new period.

Cui Tiankai said that China and Japan must abide by the principles and consensus of the four political documents of China and Japan, especially on the major principles of political foundation related to the relationship between the relationship between the two countries. They must be clear, adhere to their faith, and cannot shake.The four political documents have confirmed the five principles of peace in peace and the principles of the United Nations Charter. They made clear commitments on history and Taiwan, reflecting the accordance with the basic guidelines of international relations, and the political basis for constituting Sino -Japanese relations.