Health archives have been updated regularly after three years of death in Heilongjiang Province, China, and more than 500 such "ghost archives" have been found to have been investigated.The person involved has been punished.

The official website of the State Supervision Commission of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China disclosed on Sunday (December 17) that the staff of the Discipline Inspection Commission of Longfeng District, Daqing City, Heilongjiang Province recently found that the health of the residents managed by the Longfeng Town Health Center managedThere are abnormalities in the archives. For three years, some residents have been regularly updated at the community public health service center.

The staff of the Discipline Inspection Commission of Longfeng District immediately contacted the Public Security Branch of the district to compare the data of the health file information with the information of the dead personnel.There are more than 500 copies. These "problem files" involve 10 town health centers, community public health service centers, and more than 100 related doctors and staff.The Commission for Discipline Inspection of the District was immediately investigated.

After preliminary understanding, each of the relevant personnel can get the maintenance and management cost compensation of up to 4.5 yuan (RMB, about S $ 0.85) for each update quality, andUse the account of the residents to set up files and update the compensation for the health files of the former residents.

Further inspection found that there are problems in the public health service centers and town health centers in the streets of Longfeng District.As a result, most of them have not been issued.

The relevant officials of the Discipline Inspection Commission of Longfeng District said that although the case was not involved in the case, it was "widely involved, bad in nature, and bad impact."The dean of Longfeng Town Health Center and the director of the town Jianxing Village, Baotian Village, and Yongquan Community Health Center, including the director of the health center of the Yongquan community, was warned by the CCP's inside of the Communist Party of China for the management cost of basic public health service projects in violation of regulations.Director of the Health Service Center and the director of the three village health centers were treated with the abroad of the residents' health archives for violations, and the compensation issued by illegal issuance has been returned to the financial department.