In the first weekend of Beijing and Shanghai Real Estate New Deal, the temperature of the property market in the two places was different.Analysts predict that the Beijing -Shanghai property market is expected to usher in a wave of recovery, and the overall policy still has more room for further relaxation.

The two cities of Beijing and Shanghai introduced new policies simultaneously on Thursday (December 14), including adjusting the standards of ordinary residences, reducing the down payment ratio, and lowering the lower limit of mortgage interest rates.The first sets of residential down payment in Beijing and Shanghai both dropped to 30 %, and the lowest down payment ratio of the second home fell to 40 %.

In terms of ordinary residential standards, the upper limit of the area of ​​Beijing raising the general house is not set up, and the total price standard is no longer set up, only the unit price standard is retained; the Shanghai prefecture is determined to be directly decoupled with the price.After the standard adjustment, more houses meet the standards of general houses, and there is no need to add commonly known "luxury house tax" during transactions.

The website of the Shanghai Real Estate Trading Center website shows that from December 15th to 16th, a total of 1,400 second -hand housing units in Shanghai were easy to handle, with an average daily turnover of 700.According to the data of the Shanghai Chain Home Research Institute, Shanghai second -hand houses average about 470 units in November.In other words, two days after the implementation of the New Deal, the average daily turnover of second -hand housing was nearly 50 % higher than November.

In addition to second -hand houses, the transaction volume of new houses has also risen.According to statistics from Zhuge Data Research Center, a total of 736 new commercial housing transactions were built on December 15, which was 36.3 % higher than the average transaction volume in the past week.

However, the transaction data of second -hand housing in Beijing has not increased, from 406 units on December 14 to 372 on the 15th, and then to 117 units on the 16th.

A real estate agent told Lianhe Morning Post that due to the delay in data, the surge in Shanghai's transaction volume may reflect the purchase of the policy on the eve of the policy introduction.The sharp decline in Beijing's transaction data may be because The severe cold weather in the past week Causes inconvenience to travel, and the home viewers are reduced.

According to the Beijing Beijing News, the number of householders in some buildings on Saturday (16th) has increased significantly, but there are also real estate affected by snowy weather and no one asks.

On the day of the new policy of the Beijing -Shanghai property market, data released by the National Bureau of Statistics of China showed that the sales of Chinese residential residential residentiality in the first 11 months of this year fell by 4.3 % year -on -year, and the decrease was further expanded from 3.7 % in the first 10 months.The loose policies introduced have not obviously boosting the buying of the property market.

Shenzhen at the end of November, the down payment ratio of the second suite, second-hand housing transaction volumeAfter half a month, the policy was lowered , which caused public opinion to question the regulation and control effect of the Beijing -Shanghai market.

Yan Yuejin, director of research director of Shanghai Yizhou Research Institute, pointed out that the property market in Beijing and Shanghai is higher than Shenzhen, and the impact of reducing the proportion of down payment on buyers is comprehensive. It is expected that the policy will bringThe heating effect will continue until next year.

As for whether the official will further relax the regulation of the property market, Yan Yuejin believes that this depends on the gradual consideration of market recovery and policy relaxation."If the current effect is not good, it will not be ruled out that the policy is further relaxed, and there is still room for the down payment ratio."

At present, only Guangzhou has partially relaxed the purchase restriction policy, while Beijing and Shanghai's adjustments have not touched the purchase restriction.

Chen Wenjing, director of market research director of the

Institute of Middle Indications, believes that in addition to the purchase restriction policy, the policy is basically one step in place, which is conducive to promoting the release of rigid demand and improving the demand for housing, which is especially conducive to the needs of two sets of improved housing.After the policy is optimized, market activity is expected to improve, and it is expected to further affect price expectations.