Tibet Airlines and COMAC have signed a strategic cooperation framework agreement to jointly develop a comprehensive strategic cooperation on the joint development of Chinese domestic large aircraft plateau models.

Comprehensive news reports on the Tibet Channel and Interface of the People's Daily Online, Tibet Airlines and China Shangfei signed a letter of intent for cooperation in Shanghai on Saturday (December 16) in Shanghai.The large aircraft plateau operation center promotes the two domestic aircraft operations and technological achievements of ARJ and C919.

At the Shanghai International Commercial Air Show in 2023 last month, China Commercial Fly launched a new modification of the C919 commercial aircraft, which are the C919 shortened and C919 extension.

China COMAC said at the time that the short short or altitude of C919 could meet the transportation needs of the western region, suitable for airports in the plateau region, and have strong plateau adaptability and economy.

Tibet Airlines is the world's first airline running the altitude as the base, and has a wealth of experience in "high plateau" operation.The joint development of COMAC and Tibet Airlines this time is the C919 altitude.

It is reported that the "high-plateau" models running in the Chinese civil aviation fleet currently only include Boeing 737-700, 757 (cargo aircraft) and Airbus A319 and A330.