The official report released by China shows that the permanent population in Beijing has declined for six consecutive years since 2017, with 21.843 million in 2022.

According to the Beijing Commercial Daily, the Beijing Municipal Party School's Beijing Population and Social Development Research Center and the Social Science Literature Publishing House on Saturday (December 16) jointly released the Beijing Population Blue Book · Beijing Population Development Research Report (2023)Analyze and predict the population situation in Beijing.

According to the Blue Book, in 2022, Beijing's permanent population was 21.843 million, and the resident population was 14.277 million.

In addition, in 2022, the birth rate of the resident population in Beijing continued to decline, and the natural growth rate of the permanent population was negatively at the same time as the country.

Beijing Statistical Yearbook data in 2023 shows that from 2016 to 2021, Beijing's permanent population was 21.954 million, 21.944 million, 2.1917 million, 21.901 million, 21.89 million, 21.886 million people, Declined for five consecutive years; the population of household registration was 13.629 million, 13.592 million, 13.758 million, 13.974 million, 1408 million, and 14.135 million.

From the perspective of the population structure, the aging of Beijing's population deepen, and the proportion of labor age population is still higher than the country.In 2022, Beijing's 60 -year -old and above resident population was 4.651 million, and the proportion of the total population was 21.3%, 1.5 percentage points higher than the country.

In addition, the scale of labor ages in Beijing 15 to 64 has continued to decline since 2015. In 2022, it fell to 15.902 million, accounting for 72.8%of the total population, but it is still high, but it is still highAverage nationwide.

The Blue Book believes that Beijing is still in the "Population Opportunity Window Period" of economic dynamic energy conversion and upgrading, and it will not be closed in the short term. It is recommended to put more attention in the futureRelease.