The Office of the Finance and Economics Committee of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China said that the main expectations of China's economy this year are expected to be achieved successfully. The opportunities facing next year are greater than the challenge, and the favorable conditions are stronger than the unfavorable factors.

According to Xinhua News Agency on Sunday (December 17), after the end of the CPC Central Committee's Economic Work Conference last week, the relevant person in charge of the Central Finance Office accepted the media interview, interpreted the spirit of the meeting, and responded to the current economic hotspot.question.

The Central Finance Office stated that this year's economic operation shows the characteristics of "one high, one low, two levels", that is, higher growth, stable employment, low prices, and basically balanced income and expenditure.It is expected to achieve it successfully.

For the economic situation next year, the Central Finance Office said that the opportunities facing China's economy next year are greater than the challenge, and the favorable conditions are stronger than the unfavorable factors.External challenges include insufficient international political disputes and world economic growth, internal challenges include insufficient effective demand, overcapacity in some industries, and weak social expectations.

However, the Central Finance Office mentioned that China's economic development still faces many opportunities.One is to have the world's most potential oversized market, the second is that macro policies will support the continuous support of economic recovery, the third is that the policy space is still sufficient, the fourth is to comprehensively deepen reform and opening up and inject strong driving force. Fifth, a new round of global technologyRevolution and industrial changes include new opportunities.

For the Central Economic Work Conference to formulate a macro -control policy, the Central Finance Office interprets that active fiscal policies must be moderate and improved.This includes the use of fiscal policy space to improve capital efficiency and policy effects; optimize the structure of fiscal expenditure, strengthen the financial guarantee of major national strategic tasks, and use funds on the blade;Do capital scope, etc.

The stable monetary policy should be flexible and accurate and effective.That is to maintain a reasonable liquidity, the scale of social financing, the amount of money supply are matched with the expected goals of economic growth and the price level.

The Central Finance Office explained that this statement has two new ideas. One is to arrange the scale indicators of social financing in front of the currency supply, because the relationship between this indicator and economic growth is more closely; the second is to bring the previous pastThe "nominal economic growth" is changed to "economic growth and price level expected goals", which can better overall the target requirements of economic growth and price level, and emphasize that the price level is an important regulatory goal of monetary policy.

In addition, the Central Finance Office has also explained more efforts to attract and use foreign investment, promote the development and growth of private enterprises, and resolve real estate risks.