Hou Youyi, a presidential candidate for the Kuomintang in Taiwan, went to Pingtung to build a momentum on Sunday (December 17) in the evening. Zhou Dian, the founder of the Pingtung County, founder of Hon Hai Group, for the first time on the night of Hou Youyi.Public support.

Comprehensive Taiwan Lianhe Daily, Dongsen News Cloud, and Zhongshi News reported that Hou Youyi Sunday was set up in the Pingtung County Campaign Headquarters in Pingtung City, Pingtung City, and more than 30,000 people were poured into the scene.

Former Taiwan President Ma Ying -jeou and the Chairman of the Kuomintang Zhu Lilun attended. In the past, Zhou Dian, Speaker of the Pingtung County, who had a clear position in Guo Taiming, for the first time.Hou Youyi thanked Zhou Dian theory like Guan Gong to help.

Zhou Dian said frankly that he was actually not familiar with Guo Taiming, but when he saw Guo Taiming's age, he still cared about Taiwan. He hoped that Taiwan would not be able to sink, change, and improve, so he supported Guo Taiming.However, Guo Taiming contacted him before the deadline for registration and was sorry for being unable to register, because it was difficult for the Kuomintang to choose, and to help the Kuomintang.

Zhou Dian repeatedly said that he and Hou Youyi did not know before, but after seeing it twice recently, he found that Hou Youyi's work style is the president that everyone needs.Hou Youyi said that he can do it, and no bureaucrats will not lie. Everyone wants to have a original intention. Only by supporting Hou Youyi to get off the DPP.

Hou Youyi thanked Zhou Dian's argument: "Everyone has stood up today.Everyone said that the Democratic Progressive Party had to go down to the corruption.