After the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China listed real estate and local debt as a key area that needs to prevent and resolve risks, Chinese official media published an article saying that they need to think more about risks and actively fight.The "Black Swan" incident, prevent the 'gray rhino' at any time. "

China Economic Daily Sunday (December 17) published an comment article entitled to achieve development and safe dynamic balance.The article said that this year's Central Economic Work Conference made clear deployment, coordinated the risks such as real estate, local debt, and small and medium -sized financial institutions, severely cracking down on illegal financial activities, and resolutely held a series of tasks such as the bottom line without systemic risks.Organize the two goals of development and security, and be prepared for preparations to prevent risks.

The article says that in this process, strengthening the bottom line of thinking is indispensable, and it is necessary to have the cautiousness of the ice and the sorrowfulness.Think more about risks and estimate the difficulties more fully, never commit strategic and disruptive errors, "highly alert to the" black swan "incident, and prevent the 'gray rhino' at any time."The resolution and stable development of local debt risks will be made, "the large economic provinces must truly provoke the beams and make greater contributions to stabilizing the national economy."

The article wrote that the current and stable tasks of reform and development are arduous and heavy. Many deep -seated contradictions cannot be avoided and unable to bypass. Various risks challenges are constantly accumulating, and the international political and economic environment has increased.To ensure the smooth progress of Chinese -style modernization, it is necessary to adhere to high -quality development and high -level security, and achieve dynamic balance and complement each other.

The annual Central Economic Work Conference closed in Beijing last Tuesday (December 12).The meeting proposed that the main challenges facing the current economy, including insufficient valid demand, overcapacity in some industries, weak social expectations, and many hidden risks, there are blocks in large domestic cycles, the complexity, severeness, and uncertainty of the external environmentAscend to wait.