China Aerospace has recently issued a big move. On December 14, the Long March 2 F -Car Rockets successfully launched the spacecraft again.Send it to the scheduled track.The two launch marks a new breakthrough in the level of Chinese aerospace technology.

Repeated spacecraft refers to spacecraft that can be reused and can be freely traveled between the surface of the earth and space, transported occupants and effective loads, and can stay on the track for a long time.Including manned spacecraft, cargo spacecraft, spacecraft, etc.

This is the third time in China that can be reused by spacecraft.It was launched on September 4, 2020 and returned two days after the track; the second time on August 5, 2022, returned after 276 days.It is expected that China's launching can be reused in the track time, and the experiments do will be more.

Before China's launch can be reused by spacecraft, the American Space Exploration Technology Company (SpaceX) has announced that it will use the "heavy Falcon" rocket to launch the "Air Fighter" X-37B; but for various reasons, it launchIt was postponed three times in a week and has not yet confirmed the new launch date.

According to the website of the United States, the Minister of Combat Saltzman, the Minister of the Astronomical Battle of the United States, said last week when the US Space Army Battle Department said, "The Chinese are right to the spacecraft,"Our empty aircraft is very interested, which is not surprising.We are also very interested in them, because this is a ability -sending something into the track, doing something, and then taking it home to see the result. This ability is very powerful."They are the two most watched objects when they are running on the track.They tried to maintain consistent with us in order and order, which may not be coincidence."

Salzmann calls on the US Congress to provide necessary funds to continue to carry out related plans.He claims that X-37B will run on a higher orbit than before."There are some good experiments and tests, this is the main goal of testing technology. Some experiments are ongoing, and we will pass the data back."

X-37B is an unmanned aircraft developed by Boeing in the United States.Since 2010, it has completed six space flights, with a maximum of 908 days.The United States believes that it is difficult to break this record.

X-37B's military use is very obvious.According to the analysis, the United States will use the "heavy Falcon" to launch X-37B, which means that the target may be the earth synchronization orbit of tens of thousands of kilometers high, which will give X-37B an advantage of "standing high", which can be used to track the track satellite, or even destroy the destructionSatellites in other countries.In addition, X-37B is also considered to be able to carry nuclear weapons. At present, the United States may be developing multiple X-37B. If they carry nuclear bombs to deploy space, they may hit any goals on the earth at any time.

The outside world believes that China actively develops a repeatable spacecraft, which is to catch up with the advantages of the United States in the aerospace field and often compare Chinese spacecraft with X-37B.China has previously confirmed that its reusable spacecraft is returned in a "horizontal landing" manner, indicating that the spacecraft is similar to the aerospace aircraft on the configuration.Moreover, China's reusable spacecraft returned to the last seven months after the last return of the previous return, showing that China's progress in this field has exceeded external expectations.

Chinese military scholar Du Wenlong believes that the X-37B will be launched with the "Falcon 9" heavy rocket. The height of the orbit is hugely changed with the previous mid-to-high track, indicating that the X-37B full-orbital maneuver, the full track of various tracks will be carried out various ones.The combat capability has changed and developed qualitatively.The United States will make other satellites lose its function by capturing and repairing, and can do many Americans that Americans do not want to say on the earth's orbit.

The technical status of China ’s reusable spacecraft is also very stable, indicating that China has the same technology as the United States that has repetitive round -trip technology.The spacecraft can be reused to mobilize rails. Various fuel supplies and various materials are transported on the earth's orbit, and various satellites including other space projects are maintained.This technology is difficult, but China has already mastered it. The key stages of the launch track control and return have completely passed the level. X-37B does not seem to be too deep for China.At present, China's reusable spacecraft is just one, and there will be many types in the future.

On December 15th, the Long March 5 Yaoxiu Rocket, nicknamed "Fat Five", sent the remote sensing No. 41 into the scheduled track. It was successfully launched again after three years.The Long March 5 series rocket is a large low -temperature liquid bundled carrier rocket developed by China, known as the new generation of gold medal rockets in China.This time, the Long March 5 Yao Six Rockets first adopted a "extended version" rectifier, which enabled China's active carrier rocket to reach a new height.

China's official report said that the remote sensing 41 satellite is a high -track optical remote sensing satellite, which is mainly used in the fields of land census, crop estimation, environmental governance, meteorological early warning forecast, and comprehensive disaster prevention and minus and minus mitigation.

But some military scholars have analyzed that the satellite is the first time that China has high -orbital high -oriented optical remote sensing satellites.Previously, only the United States had such satellites, and this large -sized high -orbit heavy satellite has strong rail maneuverability.

Military scholar Wang Qiang said in social media that the diameter of the remote sensing 41 satellite will not be less than four meters, surpassing the mirror diameter of the famous American military investigation satellite "eye lock".The satellite has the ability to detect rapid investigation. It can sweep the earth throughout the earth in a short time. It can also accurately locate the target coordinates. The accuracy can reach the ammore level.Stealth plane.On the whole, the industry's industry can be used more than 20. The most important thing is the most needed function in China, which is the preparation of military struggle.