A controversy about "who is the author of the small composition", to tear up a large crack between the selection of oriental e -commerce oriental in China.

This storm has been searched for a few days of Sina Weibo for a few days, and the number of fans in the selection of Douyin live broadcast rooms in the Eastern Selection has lost more than 900,000.By the closing of Friday, the selection value of the East evaporated nearly 7.5 billion (HK $ 1.276 billion).

The origin of the storm is the well -known sales anchor Dong Yuhui, who reads a promotional "small composition" in a promotional video of Jilin Province on December 5th, and was praised by the audience.The next day, the content team selected by Oriental used the official number on the social networking site comment area and set a reply, saying that the copy was jointly completed by the team.

Dong Yuhui became famous, and it was inseparable from his "export writing".The official claiming that it was not written by Dong Yuhui, and it immediately triggered the strong dissatisfaction of the "mother -in -law" of Dong Yuhui's fan group, and believed that this was related to Dong Yuhui's own foundation and intellectual property rights.

Dissatisfaction with fans, Dong Yuhui himself smiled and explained during the live broadcast that "the editor who claims to know the business is‘ Hu's response 'in the comment area. "However, the company editor continued to counterattack with the official number, saying: It was originally aggrieved, no response, and the relevant copywriting was produced by the team. Dong Yuhui only changed five words;In the name of love, picking things back and forth, and even online storms! "

From a company, speaking contradictory, in the eyes of the guests, it seems that the company does not want to let Dong Yuhui enjoy the halo and complain about his fan behavior.Originally, it was just a company's internal dispute, and what was unexpected was that its influence was continuously expanding.

"Protect our Dong Yuhui"

Starting from Monday (December 11), a large number of "mother -in -law" vengeance poured into the live broadcast room of the East selected competitors.

According to Red Star News, the live broadcast platform "Gao Tu Bea", which is also hatched by education institutions, has 600,000 fans poured in on the day. Only 27,000 people had previously skyrocketed, and the number of people soared more than 2100%.On the day, the number of viewers in the Oriental Selection Room plummeted, only 8.18 million. The data of the previous three days was between 12.1 million and 16.91 million.

The live broadcast room of Gao Tujia is constantly named Dong Yuhui.(Video screenshot)

Sun Dongxu, the chief executive of Oriental selection, couldn't sit still.He explained on Tuesday (December 12) that he did not owe Dong Yuhui, saying that Dong Yuhui's annual salary was not only tens of millions of yuan.

Sun Dongxu's frowning, falling mobile phones before speaking, exposing employees' salary, and saying that fans are "rice circle culture", but add another fire to public opinion.He had to apologize again on Thursday, saying that he was "aggressive" and should not disclose Dong Yuhui's salary, and explained that fans are parents of food and clothing.Call for reason.

The founder of New Oriental Yu Minhong also responded on Thursday that this was originally a trivial matter within the company, because it was improperly handled and became a surging public opinion.He said that Xiaobian's approach seriously lacks professional spirit, and it also shows that the company's management has great loopholes.He also pointed out that the little grandson (Sun Dongxu) was young, and he had a strong work, but was not round enough.

Yu Minhong's reply has not calmed down public opinion.Dong Yuhui's fans firmly believe that Dong Yuhui is a blessing for the East's selection of victory, but it is "backbone" by the company and may even become "abandoned", which is really unfair.

At this point, this competition for "intellectual property rights" has developed into the defenders of Dong Yuhui's selection of fans in the East.

At the same time, Gao Tujia's Douyin fans have increased, reaching 1.514 million in the evening on Friday (December 15), and in the past 8 months, the account fans have only increased by 2,000;Fans were 2.9971 million, a decrease of 1.19 million compared with the 31.16 million people on December 9.As of Thursday, Gao Tu rose nearly 73%in the US stock price this week.

Mother -in -law and mother -in -law asked in the highway live broadcast room to "dig the horns Dong Yuhui, defeat the New Oriental", and Chen Xiangdong, the founder of Gao Tu and the old colleague of Yu Minhong, replied: "Dong Yuhui is not used to dig. Dong Yuhui uses it to use it."Come to love", causing cheers.

The big V Luo Yonghao, who was also a teacher of New Oriental, said on Friday, saying that Dong Yuhui did not need to work and was willing to support him to start a business.

Civilian heroes in the live broadcast room

Dong Yuhui, who is in the center of the storm, has not been broadcast since December 10.According to the Southern Metropolis Daily, Dong Yuhui was still selected by Dongfang.

The anchor who became popular in June last year posted on Wednesday (December 13) on his personal Weibo, explaining that there are many improvisation of small compositions and common creations.He said that he didn't like conflicting with others and called on everyone to speak rationally.He also expressed his original intention to agree with Yu Minhong's agriculture. "I grew up in the countryside and my family is still in the countryside so far, so I know that rural development and eventually need agricultural development."

Dong Yuhui quoted a Shakespeare poem in a live broadcast, "Shall I Compare thee to a Summer’ s Day? "Can I compare you to summer?

Dong Yuhui was born in Shaanxi and graduated from Xi'an University of Foreign Languages. It was originally a New Oriental English teacher.At the time of China's implementation of the "double reduction" policy, New Oriental transformed live broadcast and cargo, and Dong Yuhui also began to transform into an anchor with goods.The live broadcast that made him red is that he held two bags of rice in the live broadcast room of one or two hundred people, and taught Plato, Nietzsche, Du Fu, Su Shi in Chinese and English bilingual.

The next day, the number of live viewers soared to 30,000.Netizens described that watching his live broadcast is the main thing, and buying things is just by the way.

The Chinese media is keen to report that he has not asked for ten years of cold windows, and he has become a well -known inspirational story in one fell swoop. He himself said, "I am an ordinary rural child and suddenly picked up a big luck." In this storm, in addition to "mother -in -law fans", passers -by also strongly empathized with Dong Yuhui.Data show that although the selection of oriental selection has been dropping fans, his personal Douyin account fans have been increasing, from 12.99 million on December 5 to 15.264 million on Friday night.

Many people believe that Dong Yuhui is a representative of the workers and the town as a questioner. Even if the income is good after becoming famous, it should not be "abandoned by the capitalist."

The new media of Workers' Daily "China Industry Network" commented: "Why do you respond to this incident so much? Because Dong Yuhui is not just himself, it is the concrete work of tens of millions of migrant workers."

Realism selection

Rehabilitation Dong Yuhui grows up in the live broadcast roomBehind the civilian heroes is China's growing e -commerce live broadcast users.In the first half of this year, the number of live e -commerce users was 520 million.According to data from the Ministry of Commerce of China, China's key monitoring e -commerce platforms in the first half of the year cumulatively live broadcast sales of 1.27 trillion yuan (RMB, the same below, the same, paid a S $ 24.18888,800), with a live broadcast of more than 110 million games, and the number of live broadcast products exceeded 70 millionindivual.More and more people spend time in the live room.

As the live broadcast e -commerce ecology matures, the live broadcast traffic is becoming more and more related to the anchor.Because the supply of goods is similar, the differentiation of the anchor determines the temperament and consumer trust of the live broadcast.One anchor can often drive the sales of one brand. For example, another anchor Li Jiaqi, another head, brought a fire Chinese domestic makeup brand Huaxi.

According to Caixin.com, in the past year, Dong Yuhui is the main traffic contributor to the East's selection, and the heat brought by the live broadcast room is much higher than that of other anchors under the selection of Oriental.But on the other hand, the dependence on the anchor also makes the company passive, because once the anchor leaves or is not there, the company's performance will be affected.

A former Oriental selection employee told the "daily character" that Dong Yuhui fans surged sales, but made the company more anxious.In the Spring Festival this year, the East selection tried to "cut Dong Yuhui" and let him take 12 days on vacation.However, 12 days later, the total sales of the East selected half a month fell from a range of 250 million to 300 million yuan to a range of 100 million to 250 million.

Too dependence on the anchor is not only the anxiety of the selection of a company in the East, but also the business model facing the entire live broadcast industry.The anchorization of the head is an attempt to develop a live broadcast e -commerce platform to a certain extent. For example, Taobao live broadcast attempts to not rely on Li Jiaqi, and make friends gradually divide with Luo Yonghao.The reason why Dongfang's selection stepped on the thunder is its arrogant attitude, which inspired the sympathy of Dong Yuhui, who has no background in people's eyes.

According to the surging news report, the East selection once again stated that "the recent outbreak of public opinion is the" Internet celebrity model "and" product model ".And responded: Where can a good product be bought?

It seems that the selection of Oriental has been prepared to "go to Dong Yuhui".This is a test for it. For other live broadcast e -commerce, it is also an excellent opportunity to reflect on the business model.As for the protagonist of public opinion storms, the majority of netizens should be simpler and more emotional. They only want to vote for "civilian heroes" that meet their values ​​through their own consumption choices.