Three sources said that the planting of genetically modified corn in China next year may be more than doubled this year.

Reuters on Friday (December 15) quoted a source that China will allow planting genetically modified corn in eight provinces next year, with a planting area of ​​about 10 million acres, including the first time planting in Liaoning Province.GM corn.The Chinese Ministry of Agriculture discussed this at a meeting last month. The source heard a briefing about the meeting.

The person refused to disclose his name because the plan has not yet made public and may still change.

The other two familiar sources also said that genetically modified seed developers and breeders are preparing for planting about 10 million acres of genetically modified corn.

A source said: "Everyone is waiting for the certificate, and only a certificate can be sold (genetically modified seeds)." He added that these documents may be issued within one month.

The Ministry of Agriculture of China did not reply to Reuters' comment requests.

China is the world's second largest corn planting country.In recent years, China has become the largest importer of corn as the demand for feed in Chinese pigs and chicken groups.

However, China strictly controls the introduction of genetically modified corn.Although China allows imported genetically modified grains, genetically modified corn seeds are not allowed to be fully commercialized.

Jilin, Yunnan, Hebei, Inner Mongolia, Sichuan and other provinces have grown genetically modified corn.According to the Ministry of Agriculture of China, the results of this year's test "excellent" proves that the technology is safe.

One of the sources said that genetically modified corn will also be planted in Guangxi for the first time.Sources said that the planting area will eventually be determined by provinces.