(Beijing Comprehensive News) The Ministry of Housing and Urban -Rural Development announced data, showing that the transaction volume of second -hand housing in the first 11 months of this year accounted for nearly 40 % of the total house transaction volume, a record high.

CCTV News reported that Dong Jianguo, a member of the party group and deputy minister of the Ministry of Housing and Urban -Rural Development, said on Wednesday (December 13) that China ’s second -hand housing transactions accounted for 37.1%of the transaction volume of all houses from January to November this year.The transaction volume of second -hand housing in seven provinces and municipalities has exceeded the newly -built commercial houses.

Dong Jianguo said that from January to November this year, one -second -hand housing has achieved a year -on -year positive growth, indicating that the demand for housing has remained stable and there is no obvious contraction.

According to Daily Economic News, Kerri data, the cumulative transaction of second -hand housing in 17 key cities in China in the first November of this year was 77.18 million square meters, an increase of 32%year -on -year.

Although the transaction volume increases, the price of second -hand houses still declines.According to the surging news report, the monitoring data of the middle finger research institute shows that the average price of second -hand housing in Baicheng in November was 15,400 yuan per square meter (RMB, S $ 2882), and fell by 0.56%monthly. It has fallen for 19 consecutive months.The decline expanded to 3.21%.The Middle Finger Research Institute pointed out that the listing of key cities has maintained a high level, the market has a strong look at the mood, the rhythm of the market is slow, and the price of second -hand housing is still facing large downward pressure.