Going to the night school after get off work, it is becoming a pursuit of young Chinese young people. The latest trend.

This trend was scratched from Shanghai.In September of this year, when the autumn class of the Shanghai Citizen Art Night School enrolled in the autumn class, more than 650,000 people grabbed the lesson online. All courses were snatched out, and the registration platform was even paralyzed.

The night school course of the Zhejiang Cultural Museum this year is also hot. A beauty course with only 30 places has attracted 1,700 people to sign up, and the number of people in the flower class is as many as 2,200.

Data from Meituan and Public Comment by China Life Services E -commerce Platform show that since this year, the search volume of "night schools" on the platform has increased by 980%year -on -year, and the number of related notes' evaluation increases by 226%year -on -year.

Calligraphy, yoga, sewing, nails, bartender, vocal music, makeup, non -heritage projects ... The night school courses known as the "adult version of the youth palace" bloom in first -tier and second -tier cities in China, giving "night schools" quiteThe new connotation of the noun of the age.

40 years of reincarnation

The last large -scale night school in China was in the 1980s.

After the Cultural Revolution, a generation of young people who were delayed during the Cultural Revolution went to work during the day and entered the "Night University" tuition culture class opened by colleges and universities at night, obtained a college graduation certificate, and then changed their destiny.

March this year, CCTV, China CCTV One this year, CCTV, China One March this year, CCTV, China, China CCTV, China One March this year, CCTV, China, China CCTV, China One March, China CCTV One March One CCTV, China, China CCTV, China One March, China CCTV One March One CCTV, China, China CCTV, China One March this year, CCTV, China, China CCTV this March 1st this year.The road of TV series broadcasting on the set, including the young man in northern Shaanxi, to realize the university dream through reading the night.(Internet)

It was not until the university's enrollment in the 1990s that night schools gradually faded out of people's vision.

The Shanghai Citizen Art Night School, which caused this round of "night school fever", was founded in 2016. It takes the Shanghai Mass Art Museum as the General Academy. At first, only seven courses such as Chinese painting, calligraphy, vocal music, and paper -cutting were opened.For the elderly.

In 2018, the Shanghai Citizen Art Night School opened courses for bridges, floral arts, African drums, red wine tasting, etc., and gradually attracted the attention of young people.

Xu Hao, deputy director of the Shanghai Mass Art Museum, said in an interview with the Shanghai Labor News that Chinese art education has a long -term "two heat in the middle" problem. Children's art education is hot.However, there are large blank space for young and middle -aged art education. The Shanghai Citizen Art Night School was founded in such a background.

Xu Hao introduced that for many years, the students are basically concentrated in office workers from 25 to 40 years old. From programmers, office white -collar workers to freelancers, they often cannot find two same occupations in the class.Student.

Since the burst of fire from the Shanghai Citizens Art Night School, the scope of night school courses has become more and more wider.According to CCTV reports, the more novel night school courses include string, healing, e -sports, ancient makeup, pet social networking, etc., even the artificial intelligence sector has subdivided "AI teaches people to do self -media" and "AI painting""AI writing" and so on.

It can be seen from the content of the course that the night school that reorganizes the rivers and lakes is very different from the 1980s night school, and it is more like a "interest class" specially set up for adults.

Night School Economy

The enthusiasm of young Chinese young people go to the night school.Nanjing, Kunming, Shijiazhuang, Zhengzhou, Wuxi and other places spread.

An article reprinted by the Chinese business consulting media tiger smell: "It is not easy to get a hot spot in consumption this year, and all parties will naturally support it." The article also said that even some streets, villages and towns have set up establishmentAfter teaching points, it is still fashionable courses such as Song Bowl, impromptu drama.

Search for "Night School" and you can see the curriculum arrangements of night schools in various places.Beijing Night School not only offers technology and skills courses, but also has courses on subconscious exploration and intimate relationships.(Internet)

Interface News divides the current night schools on the market into three categories. The first category is citizen night school with official backgrounds.The number of courses is relatively large, and the quality of teachers and content is relatively guaranteed.

The second category is a night school initiated by the training institution. It attracts students through launching low -cost and popular courses, and then transforms students into long -term users.

The third category is made by the so -called "Night School Instructor". They first posted on the social media to build a group, and then do the connection agencies and teachers.Starting.

A night school manager named "Dream" told the interface news that the third day when she released the night school enrollment post, she received thousands of private messages. The content was to register.In less than a week, she built four communities. Nearly a thousand people had a strong demand for registration. The three classes successfully started, with a total of about 30 people.

However, due to the low threshold of the establishment of the night school, the chaos of the commercial night school has begun to appear.The Chinese media's "ten -point character" pointed out that after being pulled into a large WeChat group, the person who wants to report to the night school will repeatedly screen the interest courses in the group. Without the system, it is difficult to talk about services.

In addition, most of the unknown online night schools are operated by small costs, without fixed venues, and even teachers are difficult to sophisticated.Course cannot be sold after -sales is also a hidden danger.

Why do night school burst?

Although the night school industry still lacks a system of systematic specifications, it still cannot stop the enthusiasm of young people's registration. One of the main reasons is that the price of night school courses is low.

Most of the courses on the market are priced at 500 yuan (RMB, the same below, the same, S $ 94).EssenceIn comparison, there are tens of millions of charges for adults in first -tier cities for adults.

A Weibo account named "Teacher Zhao of Beijing Night School" also said that the night -school school does not necessarily learn how high knowledge is to learn, but the price of close people can give everyone a chance to understand in -depth understanding of understandingI project you like.

Learn coffee knowledge at night.("Teacher Zhao, Beijing Night School" Weibo)

For this wave of "night school fever", the mainstream media Xinhua News Agency, People's Daily, and China Youth Daily in the past two weeks have been positive.The choice of young people in China expresses an appreciation and support.

The People's Daily described that the night school has contributed to the learning orientation of "de -utilitarianization", carried the spiritual needs of young people's soothing pressure, and also met modern people's pursuit of self -improvement. "Leave a precious habitat. "

The China Youth Daily said that night schools can make ordinary migrant workers "look up slightly from the fatigue of life, see a different sky", "provides another kind of life for a person's life".

It is worth thinking about that when the night school was described as a good medicine for the convenience of skills, the fatigue of the workers, and the modern people's" spiritual peach blossom source "There are greater anxiety hidden

While young people go to the night school, the proportion of the number of sidelines is also significantly increasing.53.9%of China's workplace people are engaged in part -time jobs.

Night -school school also reflects the mentality of young people who dare not stop for a moment.But even more dare not slack

It is true that in the busy urban life, it is commendable to find a "spiritual peach blossom source" that fit self -interest.Worrying about the uncertainty in the future will inevitably be a little less confession.