Well-known Taiwanese singer Yang Yilin blurted out at the concert.Joy, not only causing trouble, but also provoking a wave of "regional blacks" against Henan people on the Internet.

Yang Yanlin held a concert in Zhengzhou City, Henan Provincial Capital of Henan Province. According to the restoration of fans at the scene, when the stage was half half of the stage, the stage screen suddenly switched to a pair of kissing.Couples, let the audience scream.

Yang Yanlin heard a scream, but did not see the picture of the couple kissing, so he called on the couple to wave the fluorescent stick to self -recruit.The atmosphere at the scene was very hilarious. A large number of audiences immediately waved the fluorescent sticks, and fans from different directions shouted, "Here!" It made it difficult for Yang Yanlin to find the couple.

Yang Yanlin was teased a few times, and after he couldn't find the couple, he teased on the spot: "Henan people can't do this, you already have some reputation, you know, love deceiving people, love deceiving peopleDon't lie to me, Zhengzhou people are really naughty.>

At the concert held in Zhengzhou, Yang Yanlin joked the audience and said that Henan people had some "love deceiving" reputation, which caused a large number of netizens to criticize.(Screenshot of Weibo Video)

Judging from the tone of the context of the front and rear and speaking, Yang Yanlin seems to just want to borrow a joke for the local "tailor -made" jokes to shorten up.The distance from Henan fans is the atmosphere of the scene.

What she did not expect was that the distance was not only closer, but she was pulled into the center of the public opinion storm vortex.

The joke caused the storm

Many fans believe that Yang Yanlin's Zhengzhou concert was originally successfully opened. The 34 songs were full of sincerity, but a joke became a defeat.Some netizens even described, "let people appetite like a foreign body like a foreign body in a big meal."

Some netizens accused that Yang Yilin deliberately strengthened the stereotype of the Henan people's "deceiving" as a public figure, which aroused a wave of "regional black" of Henan people.Some netizens wrote that in Yang Yanlin's eyes, a phrase, was "the fuse of Henan compatriots being re -Internet storm."

There are also IP -owned netizens in Henan called on all Henan people to resist Yang Yilin, no longer let her go to mainland China to hold a concert, and ask Yang Yilin to return all the profits earned in this concert.

Many netizens dug out Yang Yanlin's previous controversial remarks to prove "she is a brainless artist."

One of the examples is: Yang Yilin in 2003 on the variety show. I guess I guess that when I was asked "A few years of the War of Resistance on Japan", she mistakenly answered "11 years".The correct answer was that eight years later, Yang Yanlin also exclaimed "only eight years", and was rebuked by the host Wu Zongxian to blame "what kind of mentality."

But some netizens have escorted that this is just a joke, so don't take it seriously.The saying of "Henan people love to deceive people" has a long history, not the saying that Yang Yanlin gave out of thin air, not to mention she was not malicious, and everyone smiled.

In the face of criticism, Yang Yanlin posted on Weibo on Sunday (December 10), saying that he would "apologize for that offensive joke without polite joke, sorry."She wrote that she "is very willing to accept timely and criticized everyone in a timely manner. I apologize solemnly with those who are troubled because of me."?

Yang Yanlin Studio also posted a screenshot of her previously donated millions of donations to Zhengzhou's floods (RMB, about 188,700 yuan), which shows that Yang Yilin has true love for Zhengzhou, but these obviously cannot pour themselves.Extinction of the anger.

The official Weibo account of the Communist Youth League of Henan sent two stickers on Sunday afternoon, asking Yang Yilin: "Do you think it is interesting to say that?" "Who is this joking with?Are you funny?EssenceSome people in Henan even called the complaint hotline 12345 to ask relevant departments such as the Ministry of Culture and Travel to the Ministry of Culture Travel.

Reverse regional black?

With the continuous upgrading of cross -strait relations, Taiwanese artists have been common in mainland China in recent years.

In 2021, the well -known artist Xiao S (Xu Xizhen) once tagged the "national player" because of the "national player" because of the Taiwanese badminton sister Dai Ziying, and lost the four brands of "Taiwan independence".The endorsement.

In August last year, when the American House Speaker Perosi Flash visited Taiwan, singer Tian Yanzhen uploaded photos of his own noodles on the social media Instagram.Because Pelosi is an Italian -American, Tian Yanzhen has been collected by a large vote of mainland netizens and has been criticized as "double -sided people"; Jolin Tsai did not condemn Peroica's visit to Taiwan, nor did he forward CCTV's "only one China" sticker.The text was blocked.

As Lightning visited Taiwan, Tian Yanzhen uploaded photos of his own Nauli noodles on Instagram, attracting a large number of netizens.(Internet)

As Taiwan's "anti -China" and the mainland's "anti -Taiwan independence" emotions have risen and the public opinion environment has continued to tighten, "not talking wrong" has become an increasingly important Taiwanese artist in mainland China.Survival criteria.Yang Yanlin, who has 14 million fans on Weibo and has a highly knownity in the mainland, is difficult to not be enlarged and inspected.

The staff of the Zhengzhou Cultural Market Comprehensive Law Enforcement Detachment revealed on Monday (December 11) that the relevant departments have received feedback and are also paying attention to the situation. They are waiting for the results.Xu Jiangtao, a lawyer of Shandong Ruiwen Law Firm, said in an interview with the Red Star News that Yang Yilin may have been suspected of regional discrimination. If he was identified to infringe the power of personality dignity, he might be administrative punishment by the cultural authority.

The main theme of the region is black

Whether Yang Yilin's "discriminatory speech" is inadvertent, in addition to criticizing and escort Yang Yilin's voice on the Internet, it is actually full of Henan people.Negative labels.

Some netizens wrote that although it is really inconvenient to make a joke as a public figure, shouldn't Henan people not be introspective?"How do I encounter Henan people running the train with full mouth? There is a saying that it is good to say that it is hard to think of the iron. Can you think of it (Henan) is so impressive?"

Some netizens said: "Yang Yanlin just said the truth in the subconscious. Henan people should reflect on it. Ten Henan people have nine scams and are headquartered in Zhumadian!fact!? "

Henan is a large population province in the Central Plains, with a population of nearly 100 million. Compared with other economic provinces in China, the economic and educational development of Henan's economic and educational development is relatively backward.Henan people are easily labeled with negative labels, including "scammers" and "stolen wells" and so on.Including prejudice (such as "good fighting" and "Northeast people are all underworlds"), northern Jiangsu people are also known as "poor mountains and wicked waters", Shandong, Guangxi ... and even China's international financial center Shanghai, all belong to "regional black"One of the layout.

In addition to the demonization of the province, China also has the so -called "north and south regions".A video was uploaded on Weibo on Monday (December 11). A person from a southern province in the picture saw snow and wrote excitedly on the snow./www.kzaobao.com/uploads/allimg/231212/2034405131-4.jpg "/>

The video uploaded a video (December 11), saying he was from the province of Southern Province in the southern province in the south.For the first time, my roommate saw Xue, just like "Sun Wukong just came out of the five -finger mountain."The police looked at the words on the ground and said, ‘because northerners do n’t write their names on the snow’.? "Some people described that this is the remark of" north and south regions "." The deceased must be a southerner ".For the people of Henan, the people of Henan, Yang Yilin cannot seem to be a name for them. The counterattack of the "regional black" remarks on the Internet will only worsen and sprinkle salt on the wound, because this is probably the essence of Internet operation and human paranoia.P>