Enterprise Checking APP shows that Haining Dongkai Star Film and Television Investment Co., Ltd. and Chinese actress Zheng Shuang's service contract dispute was updated on Thursday (December 7).The People's Court of Songjiang District of Shanghai forced to implement 90.5 million yuan (RMB, the same below, about S $ 16.91 million).

Comprehensive surging news, Time News, and Jiupai News reported on Tuesday (12th) that China Executive Information Disclosure Network News, Zheng Shuang added an announcement of the executive.The announcement shows that the executed person's name is Zheng Shuang, and the executive court is the People's Court of Songjiang District, Shanghai.90.5 million yuan.Relevant topics appear on Weibo hot search first.

Tianyancha APP shows that the case of the execution information is a dispute between Haining Dongkai Star Film and Television Investment Co., Ltd. and Zheng Shuang.

The People's Court of Shanghai Songjiang District previously made a first -instance judgment on the case: confirming the planning service contract and the "planning service contract" supplement contract was canceled on February 24, 2021;Kaizhi Star Film and Television Investment Co., Ltd. has a service fee of 30.5 million yuan and compensates for economic losses of 60 million yuan; the remaining claims of Haining Dongkai Star Film and Television Investment Co., Ltd.After the verdict, Zheng Shuang filed an appeal. On July 18, 2023, the Shanghai First Intermediate People's Court made a judgment: the appeal was rejected and the original judgment was maintained.

According to reports, on January 13, 2016, a supplementary contract for a "planning service contract" with a film and television cultural studio (Party A) in Shanghai (Party A) and Shanghai's film and television cultural studio (Party B), which stipulates:Party A invites Party B artist Zheng Shuang to participate in the filming of the film and television drama involved in the case and appear in the first actress of the play; from February 15, 2016 to May 10, 2016, the shooting workAfter the contract is signed, if the artist of Party B is involved in illegal crimes or due to inferiority, it will be affected by the National Press and Publication Bureau or the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television.Compensation and compensation for actual economic losses that Party A suffered at the time.

In August 2021, Zheng Shuang was made by the taxation organs for tax evasion for tax evasion.Later, he was "blocked" in China for incidents such as "surrogacy abandonment".Zheng Shuang was sued by Haining's Film and Television Investment Co., Ltd. to ask for compensation.

In addition, according to Tianyancha APP, Zheng Shuang and his wholly -owned Jiujiang sheep flock effect film and television culture studio, Jiujiang cool bear film and television culture studio added a new restriction order in July this year. The applicant isHorgos Shanghui Film and Television Culture Media Co., Ltd. involves service contract disputes.According to public information, Shang Hui Film is the producer of the top secret of Zheng Shuang.

According to risk information, Zheng Shuang and the two studios have been forced to implement about 128 million yuan for the above cases.