Shaanxi Baoji Intermediate People's Court Tuesday (December (December December (DecemberOn the 12th) The first instance publicly sentenced the former party secretary and general manager of the China Railway Corporation to be bribery and used the influence to accept bribes.934,000 S $ 9), he was sentenced to seven years in prison with the crime of influential bribery, and fined RMB 1 million, decided to execute 15 years in prison, and fined RMB 6 million;Recovered according to law and paid the state treasury.

According to China CCTV News, it was found out that from 2004 to 2022, Sheng Guangzu used the deputy secretary, deputy director, party secretary, and director of the party group of the General Administration of Customs.Minister, former party secretary and general manager of the China Railway Corporation, members of the 12th National People's Congress, member of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, deputy chairman of the Finance and Economic Committee, etc.Promotion and work adjustment seek benefits, illegally accepting the above units and personal property equivalent to a total of more than RMB 56.66 million.

In November 2021, Sheng Guangzu used the convenience and status of the power and status of the party group of the China Railway Corporation and the convenience of the party group of the China Railway Corporation.False interests in operation.In the meantime, Shengguangzu's illegal acceptance of relevant personnel's property was equivalent to RMB 7.14 million.

The Baoji Intermediate People's Court believes that the behavior of Shengguangzu constitutes a crime of bribery and the use of influence and bribery. The amount is particularly huge and shall be punished according to law.In view of the attempted bribery department of Sheng Guangzu, after the case, he truthfully confessed his crimes and actively explained the facts of the crime of bribery that the case handling agency had not yet mastered, pleaded guilty, and actively refunded the stolen money.EssenceThe court made the above judgment.

Public information shows that the 73 -year -old Shengguangzu is from Jiangning, Jiangsu.He served as the Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Railways in 1999, served as the Deputy Director of the General Administration of Customs in 2000, was selected as a member of the Central Committee in the 17th National Congress of the Communist Party of China in 2007, and in 2008 as the Director of the General Administration of Customs.After Liu Zhijun, the former minister of the Ministry of Railways in 2011, Sheng Guangzu returned to the Ministry of Railways as the Minister, and later served as the general manager of the China Railway Corporation. He stepped down in 2016.

Sheng Guangzu was investigated in the suspected serious violation of discipline and law in March last year. Last September was notified "Eating Customs by Customs" and "Eating Railway by Railway"., Last October was arrested.