After China's official ending Shanghai inspection, the Shanghai leadership meetings to meet the spirit of speech for two consecutive days; the business community expects the government to "talk about" and land on business measures as soon as possible.

On Sunday (December 3), the Standing Committee of the Shanghai Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China held a expansion meeting under the auspices of the Municipal Party Secretary Chen Jining.The meeting pointed out that on the occasion of the 45th anniversary of China's reform and opening up, Chinese officials came to Shanghai to inspect and guide "a very important milestone significance" and "made new strategic paintings" for the development of Shanghai.

From November 28th to December 2nd to Shanghai inspection Investigate financial institutions, scientific and technological innovation parks, and affordable rental housing projects.In his three -year trip to Shanghai, he asked Shanghai to accelerate the establishment of a world -high modern international metropolis with world influence, and give full play to the leading role of leading and demonstration in the promotion of Chinese -style modernization.

At the city's city leading cadre meeting held on Monday (December 4), Chen Jining also emphasized that it is necessary to deeply understand the Chinese official "strategic painting of Shanghai in the new journey of socialist modernization to better serve national reformDevelopment.

However, the Lukang stock market responded plain response to the inspection of market confidence in this intention.The CSI 300 Index closed at 0.65 % on Monday, a consecutive trading day in a row.The Hang Seng Index slipped by 1.09 %, down to a new low in a year.

Carlo d'Andrea, vice chairman of the Chinese EU Chamber of Commerce and chairman of the Shanghai Branch, said in an interview with Lianhe Zaobao that the senior investigation released a soothing signal, indicating that the resumption of business confidence in Shanghai's financial center has become a decision -making decisionThe primary agenda of the layer, "but execution is the key".

On behalf of Kaile, China recently introduced measures to optimize the operating environment of foreign investment through the introduction of measures such as "24 Articles of Foreign capital". Temporary visa exemption from five EU countries is also an important symbolic measure to improve civil relations.Promoting all EU member states, not just a few selected countries.

He said: "The business community is paying close attention to whether China has said (Walk the talk), and implement relevant measures in a timely and consistent implementation."

On the occasion of China's official inspection in Shanghai, the momentum of China's economic growth weakened again, and the confidence of private enterprises and foreign capital continued to fall down.Last Thursday (November 30), the November Manufacturing Purchasing Manager Index (PMI), which was released in November, has shrunk for the second consecutive month, reflecting the total amount of overseas direct investment (FDI), which reflects the investment in China, in the third quarter.For the first time from positive to negative.

Chen Jining pointed out at a conference on Monday that it is necessary to deeply understand the deployment of Chinese officials on the comprehensive deepening of reform and opening up, and fully stimulate high -quality development and strong motivation.This includes promoting the pilot of comprehensive reform of Pudong, taking the lead in carrying out pressure testing in the Lingang New Area, and steadily expanding institutional openness.

A representative of a US company in China told this newspaper that the Internet Information Office announced the regulations and promoting the regulations for cross -border flow of data (soliciting opinions) at the end of September to relax the supervision requirements for some data outbound.Essence"If this investigation can promote the implementation of relevant policies as soon as possible, it will help boost the confidence of foreign companies, otherwise it will only bring a new round of 'promise fatigue'."

Fu Fangjian, an associate professor of Li Guangqian Business School of Singapore Management, analyzed in an analysis in an interview that Chinese official investigations on Shanghai Financial and Science and Technology Institutions show that Shanghai will focus on these two fields in the future, including increasing opening and face -to -face competition."This is the situation that foreign companies are looking forward to, and it is also an inevitable trend of China's future development."

Fu Fangjian added that China has recently strengthened economic and trade contact with the United States, Australia, South Korea, and Europe, which is to increase the performance of opening up, but this is definitely not the opening of "no fence".He predicts: "China's policy will not return to a period of no security supervision, nor will they" smell the chicken dance "because of the pressure of public opinion, or to promote the policy according to the original pace."