Chinese official and President of Beloel Lukashenko met in Beijing for the second time.Chinese officials have affirmed that the political trust of the two countries has been more consolidated in the past year, and the international cooperation is closer; Lukashenko describes that Beros is a reliable partner of China now, the past, and the future.

Scholars interviewed by the analysis of the Ukrainian war have been fighting for nearly two years, and the Belos of Russia has continued to be subject to Western economic sanctions and diplomatic isolation. Luka Shenke hoped that by visiting China again to strive for more benefits and cope with the huge facing domestic in Chinapressure.

Lukashenko, who is a close ally of Russian President Putin, flew on Sunday (December 3) to Beijing to start a two -day work visit. This is his second visit to China this year.The official Chinese official will have a lunch and three -hour talks at the Diaoyutai State Guest House the next day.

Lukashenko will go to China at the end of February this year to conduct three-day national affairs visit , Chinese officials held talks with Lukashenke, who served as President White Ros in the Great Hall of the People on March 1 on March 1.

In this meeting between the two, Chinese officials told Lukashenko that China is willing to continue to strengthen strategic collaboration with Beros, firmly support each other, promote pragmatic cooperation, and continue to deepen the relationship between the two countries.China is also willing to coordinate and cooperate within multilateral mechanisms such as the United Nations and Shanghai Cooperation Organizations to promote the implementation of global development initiative and global security initiative.

Chinese officials also welcomes Baillos to continue to actively participate in the co -construction of the "Belt and Road". The two countries should implement projects such as China -White Industrial Park to promote more results in China -White Industrial Cooperation, improve the level of convenience of cross -border transportation, promote the promotion of cross -border transportation, and promote to promoteEconomic and trade and personnel.

Lukashenko said that the world will thank China for incorporated countries into the "Belt and Road" efforts, "this is different from Western countries trying to divide everything into fragments."

He also pointed out that the friendship between Bai and China has a history of more than 30 years and "never deviated from this road."He said that speeding up the pace of cooperation between the two countries is the "only problem" that I hope to discuss with Chinese officials.

After the outbreak of the Russian and Ukraine War in February last year, Beros supported Russia and allowed Moscow to use his territory to mobilize the war to the adjacent Kiev, and faced sanctions in the United States, the European Union, the United Kingdom, and the Netherlands.Bellos, which is highly dependent on trade with Russia, has been reunited.

On the eve of the visit of Lukashenko, Russia announced on the evening of December 1 that the scale of armed forces was expanded to increase the number of soldiers by 170,000, saying that the move was designed to cope with the expansion of NATO and the Russian and Ukraine War that continued.Chinese officials and Lukashenko also exchanged opinions on issues such as the Ukraine crisis at the meeting on Monday.

Li Mingjiang, an associate professor at the Laulinan International Research Institute of Nanyang University of Technology in Singapore, pointed out in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post that the relationship between Beros and China has continued to be closely close in the past two or three decades. The interaction between Lukashenko and Chinese leaders alsoAlways close."So he visited China twice a year and met with Chinese leaders twice, it was not an exception."

Li Mingjiang analyzed that the key purpose of Lukashenko's visit to China was to strengthen Bioloss's bilateral cooperation with China, hoping to receive some assistance and support from China.

He pointed out that Beros not only faces Western economic restrictions and diplomatic isolation, Russia cannot provide much support, and cannot help Lukashenko solve domestic problems. ThereforeSome benefits to deal with these challenges.