(Guangzhou News) Han Zheng, vice chairman of China, pointed out that countries need to adhere to the core value and basic principles of multilateralism, and to differentiate each other into the driving force for communication and mutual construction, not the reason for conflicts and confrontation.

Han Zheng Monday (December 4) at the opening ceremony of the "2023 from the Metropolitan International Forum" held in Guangzhou, he emphasized the importance of multilateralism in a way to criticize other countries in a way that criticized other countries.

He said that multilateralism conforms to the trend of world development. "The current international situation has become chaotic, and we need to adhere to the core value and basic principles of multilateralism than ever before, and implement the common business, co -construction, and sharingGlobal governance concept, multilateralist torch illuminates the road of human movement. "

Han Zheng also emphasized that the dependence of each country is the community of fate of "you have me, I have you"."The differences between different nations, different countries, and different civilizations are very natural, but the differences should become the driving force for exchanges and interoperability, not the reason for conflict confrontation."

He pointed out that in the face of various risks and challenges in the world today, no country can be alone. Cooperation is the only correct choice."We must adhere to the correct direction of economic globalization, oppose protectiveism and various forms of decoupling chain, strive to achieve mutually beneficial cooperation cakes, and inject more momentum for the recovery of the world economy."

Han Zheng also advocates resolving different contradictions between the country through dialogue and negotiation, abandoning the law of weak meat and strong food, and actively promoting politics to solve international and regional hotspots, including global challenges such as climate change, grain crisis, and network security.

The two -day Congdu International Forum was co -sponsored by the Chinese People's Association of Friendship with Foreign Friendship, Australia -China Friendship Association, the Guangdong Provincial Government and the World Leadership Alliance.The theme of more than 40 pre -national dignitaries, heads of international organizations, experts and scholars, etc. discussed the theme of "multilateralism: more communication, more tolerance, and more cooperation".