China Monday (December 4) 12 pm 12 pmAt 10 points, the Long March 2 Cross Rockets successfully launched the Egyptian satellite with the Long March 2.

According to CCTV news reports, according to China Egypt Aid Egypt No. 2 satellite project agreement, China developed and emitted a two -meter (full color)/8 -meter (multi -spectrum) resolution for the Egyptian side.Optical remote sensing small satellites; the satellite assembly and integration test center aided by the Chinese government uses the total assembly and testing of satellites; after the rail delivery, it will serve the fields of land and resources in Egypt, water conservancy, agriculture and other fields.

It is reported that the satellite project aid Egypt No. 2 is the iconic project of the international cooperation in the field of aerospace high -tech fields with the support of the Chinese Ministry of Commerce, the National International Development Cooperation Agency of China, and the China National Space Administration.It is also the first international cooperation satellite project to adopt the management model of foreign aid project management models, which is a milestone in the field of Sino -Egypt Aerospace cooperation.

During the joint development of satellites, China conducted a whole -star system -level design training and assembly test operation training for technical personnel in Egyptian side. The technicians of Egyptia participated in the entire process of satellite design, development, and testing.Through the cooperation of this project, Egypt's industrial system, including "upstream" satellite development, "midstream" ground facilities construction and operation to "downstream" satellite data processing, sharing and applications, etc.Lay the foundation.

This task is the 499th launch of the Long March series of launch vehicles.