The stock price of Mainland China Biotechnology Company's listing in Hong Kong has dropped nearly 24%, and the transaction has been suspended.

Comprehensive Bloomberg and the Hong Kong Radio website reported on Monday (December 4) that Yaoming creatures' stocks were suspended from the midway at 10:49 in the morning, in order to publish an announcement that may constitute the inside information of the company.

It is reported that Yaoming Bio has fallen by nearly 24%before the suspension of trading.Due to the decline in sales and profit growth, Yaoming Kant's stock price has fallen 45%this year.

Yaoming Biological provides raw materials for the coronary vaccine of Astrazeneca, a biopharmaceutical company.

Yaoming Bio said that due to the decline in sales related to crown disease and the slowdown of biotechnology funds, the industry "faces short -term challenges."Yaoming Bio is expected to have a positive transfer in the second half of 2024, and a stable growth will be achieved in the next few years.

EXOME Asset Management analyst said, "Most of the customers of Yao Ming Kant are small biotechnology companies. Due to high interest rate environment, these companies are facing clinical research funding challenges, which eventually leadSigning on transactions "

Among other Chinese contract drug manufacturing stocks, Pharmaron Beijing Co., (Pharmaron Beijing Co.) and ASYMCHEM Laboratories Tianjin Co., in the stock market in mainland ChinaBoth transactions fell 10%.