The Bai Magnolia Memorial Award was awarded to 50 foreign people in 15 countries, including four Singaporeans.

The four Singaporeans are the president and chief executive of Dahua Bank (China) Co., Ltd., Wu Jizan, the chief representative of Jibao Enterprise, Wu Laishun, President of Jibao Fund Management, and Executive Chairman of Singapore Sande Group.President Gao Xunzhi, and Xu Lingna, the person in charge of the Foreign People Center of the Shanghai Ai Man Family Service Center.

On Sunday (December 3), the Shanghai Municipal Government Foreign Affairs Office posted the "White Magnolia Memorial Award" award news on the official WeChat public account.

2023年上海市“白玉兰纪念奖”颁授仪式星期天在沪举行,来自亚美尼亚、澳大利亚、巴西、加拿大、法国、德国、意大利、日本、韩国、荷兰、罗马尼亚、新加坡、50 outstanding foreigners from 15 countries including Sweden, Britain, and the United States won this honor.

Kong Fu'an, director of the Foreign Affairs Office of the Shanghai Municipal Government, and some members of the members of the joint commendation of the joint commendation jury, awarded a medal and certificate to the award -winning foreigners.More than a hundred representatives such as the relevant departments of Shanghai, the units and family members of the award -winning foreigners witnessed the award ceremony of the "White Magnolia Memorial Award".

This year's 50 winners come from the fields of economy and trade, finance, technology, shipping, education, medical care, culture and other fields.Over the years, they have played their own advantages, and have made outstanding contributions to Shanghai's deepening the construction of the "five centers", strengthening the "four major functions", strengthening the "four major functions", promoting high -level reform and opening up, and high -quality development.

The Shanghai Municipal Government Foreign Affairs Office introduced that the above winners are not only witnesses of Shanghai development and construction, but also active participants and promoters.The Shanghai Municipal Government expressed her gratitude to them, and hoped that through the award of the White Magnolia series of awards, more foreign talents were encouraged to come to Shanghai, stay in Shanghai, and integrate into Shanghai, helping Shanghai to accelerate the construction of a world -influential socialist modern metropolitan city.Essence