People familiar with the matter said that at the Shanghai International Commercial Aerospace Industry Exhibition last week, China ’s commercial aircraft manufacturer of Chinese domestic aircraft demonstrated two new variant models of C919 aircraft.

BloomberSmaller models tailored at altitude airports.

It is reported that this shows that COMAC hopes to expand model coverage to attract more customers.

The C919 model of the Chinese COMAC in May this year adopts 164 two -cabin layout.The report quoted anonymous people that the larger models exhibited by COMAC are similar to the A321 models of European aircraft manufacturers Airbus, but they are just a development concept and have not yet been put into production.

Anonymous people say that models suitable for high -altitude airports are also in the concept of development.

According to the Shanghai Securities Journal, the chairman of China COMAC He Dongfeng also said when attending the public event in September this year that the subsequent development of the C919 includes shortening and extended.

C919 passenger plane is a large jet civil aircraft developed by China and has independent intellectual property rights.China Oriental Airlines signed the first five C919 aircraft in 2021, and added 100 C919 aircraft in September this year.