Macau will hold a new Chief Executive Election next year.The current Macau Special Head He Yicheng has not yet stated whether he will compete for re -election, but some interviewees believe that the probability of his election and successful re -election is quite high.

The Chief Executive of Macau was nominated and voted by the 400 -member Election Committee.Except for the first election in 1999, only one candidate for the first election of Macau was run.However, because the Macau Chief Executive's Election Law does not have an automatic election mechanism, it is still necessary to vote. Candidates can vote more than half of all members of the election committee.He Yicheng was elected for 392 votes in the last chief executive election.

The Macau government proposed to modify the Chief Executive Election Law in June this year, and launched a 45 -day public consultation.

The main contents of the bill include: 1. The qualification requirements of the election of the election committee of the Chief Executive Election and the Chief Executive Election Committee; 2. The mechanism for setting up the smooth operation of the qualification review procedure;Behavior and optimizing the election process.

Officially pointed out that the revision is to fully implement the principle of "patriotic governance of Australia", respond to new requirements and new challenges to maintain national security, and effectively safeguard national sovereignty, security and development interests., Further optimize the election environment and election procedures.

The Macau Legislative Council resumed on October 16th and held a general meeting.Zhang Yongchun, director of the Administrative Legal Department, said that the official will closely cooperate with the council review work. It is hoped that the bill can be passed by the details before the end of this year, and then the Chief Executive Election will be carried out next year.

Zhang Yongchun further mentioned when attending the Legislative Council meeting on November 20 that the election work of the new Chief Executive will be launched early next year. The official will strictly follow the laws and regulations of the Election Law of the Basic Law and the newly revised Chief Executive Election Law, and establish the Chief Executive to establish the Chief Executive.The election management committee and fully support the management committee to carry out the work to ensure that the election is completed smoothly.

According to the Macau Daily reported on November 15, He Yicheng was asked if he was interested in participating in the Chief Executive's Election next year to fight for re -election: "I still have a formal decision."

The 66 -year -old He Yicheng was elected in Macau in 2019 and is the fifth Chief Executive of Macau.

Some reporters asked that next year is the last term of the Macau Special Administrative Region Government. He Yicheng had hoped that the commitment of the campaign political platform during the five -year term, including improving the level of public governance. What is the current implementation and effectiveness?

He Yicheng took the popularity of "one household", the merger of the department, and the establishment of the public supervision office as an example. It emphasized that the level of governance has changed a lot. Of course, there is still a lot of room for improvement.Being "changing the sky" must be step by step.

Song Ligong, director of the Institute of Maizhen, Hong Kong, pointed out in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post that according to the Macau Basic Law, the Macau Chief Executive can be re -elected for five years each.According to the original intention of the Chinese government at that time, I hope that Macau's specialty will make two sessions. Therefore, the former Macau Chief Executive He Houzheng and Cui Shi'an have made two chief executives. "If there is no accident, I believe that only He Yicheng will run and be re -elected next year."

Song Ligong believes that He Yicheng's governance performance in the past few years is stable, and the central government is generally satisfied.However, after the return of Macau, the central government has strongly supported the development of other industries in Macau in recent years.

He also said: "He Yicheng made some remarks in public in the past few years, sometimes comparing Hong Kong in Hong Kong, implying that Hong Kong is not as good as Macau, and some Hong Kong people are unhappy.Attention.