China ’s official Sunday (November 26) notified that during the high incidence of respiratory diseases, the respiratory diseases have emphasized to increase the relevant clinic and treatment areas, and say that local acute respiratory diseases continue to rise, which is related to the stack of hyperporlactifies.Essence

According to China CCTV News, a spokesman for the National Committee of the National Health and Health Commission Mi Feng said at the press conference that as the local area has entered the winter, respiratory diseases have entered a period of high incidence.The National Health and Health Commission and the State CDC continued to carry out respiratory disease monitoring and situation research and judgment, promote flu vaccination, regularly dispatch medical resources supply and diagnosis and treatment work in various places, and strengthen work guidance, organize experience exchanges and technical training.

Monitoring shows that recent respiratory infectious diseases are mainly influenza. In addition, there are rhinoplasty, pneumoniacchid chlamydia, respiratory tract syntomia, and adenovirus.

Mi Feng said that all localities should scientifically overall medical resources, implement the hierarchical diagnosis and treatment system, cross -section and cross -hospital adjustment strength, give play to the role of medical courses, and improve the diagnosis and treatment capacity of general infection and the efficiency of severe identification.Strive to increase the relevant clinic and treatment areas, appropriately extend the service time, strengthen the protection of drug supply, play the role of traditional Chinese medicine, and maximize the level of admission ability and standardization of diagnosis and treatment.

He also said that it is necessary to disclose and update medical institution information that provides services such as pediatrics, hot kidneys and other services in a timely manner, and give full play to the role of Internet hospitals and grass -roots medical and health institutions, so that the masses will seek medical treatment in an orderly manner;It is necessary to do a good job of preventing and controlling the epidemic situation of dense places such as schools, childcare institutions, and nursing homes, and reduce the flow and visit of personnel.

Mi Feng appealed to advocate that key groups such as "one old and one young" actively vaccinated related vaccines.When there are respiratory tract symptoms, we must protect them, maintain social distance, and avoid cross -transmission in family and units.Large hospitals are dense, waited for a long time, and the risk of cross -infection is high. If there are children in the family, the symptoms of children are more ill at home. It is recommended that the primary medical and health institutions or comprehensive hospital pediatrics will be selected.

Wang Huaqing, chief expert of the China Centers for Immunization Planning, reported at the press conference that the results of multi -disease source monitoring showed that the major pathogens of different ages of respiratory infection diseases in different ages of respiratory diseases were different.The 1-4-year-olds are mainly influenza viruses and rhinohiro. People aged 5-14 are mainly influenza viruses, pneumoniacum, adenovirus, and 15-59 years old.People at the age of 60 and above are mainly influenza viruses, human partial pulmonary viruses and ordinary coronary viruses.

On the other hand, whether the child needs to come to the hospital immediately if the child has symptoms such as fever, Xinhua News Agency quoted Qin Qiang, chief physician of the Department of Respiratory One Department of Breathing of Beijing Children's Hospital on Sunday, stating that young infants and young children, especially, especiallyBabies within three months have significantly fever, and it is recommended to seek medical treatment in time.Children above school age have symptoms of minor respiratory tract with high fever and no other body performance. It is recommended to observe and use some symptomatic drugs at home.If it continues to be high for three to five days, or with obvious respiratory symptoms, parents are advised to bring their children to medical treatment in time.