Chinese grassroots husband and wife "Liang Liang and Lijun Lijun"When asking the real estate developers to ask for a commission, not only did they not defend their rights, but the people at the sales office were beaten and snatched their mobile phones, which attracted widespread attention.

Netizens are upset for the couple's defending rights to defend their rights, and resonate because they have experienced buying houses, real estate shutdown, salary reduction, no salary, etc., and have resonated.

After the incident of Liang Liangli Jun Weiquan was fermented on the Chinese network, Zhengzhou police intervened, saying that those who had punished the beaten people.The couple also voiced two days later, saying that the incident had been dealt with, but she no longer posted a video about the house.One week later on Wednesday (November 22), they posted a video saying, "I am going back to my hometown, and I have a sense of security since I was a child."

But public opinion did not stop the fate of the couple and behindThe attention of the "insurance delivery building" problem.Just when things seem to come to an end, Liang Liang and Li Jun said on personal Weibo on Thursday (23rd) that their Douyin and B station account have been temporarily banned and lived.discuss.

Some netizens teased, saying that the ban is because their story is too lacking of positive energy."A grain of the real estate crisis is a mountain on ordinary people's heads." "Young people cannot live in the change of life by struggling, and they can only lie flat."

After buying a house, I encountered salary reduction and real estate shutdown.

The bright and Lijun of the "post -90s" is Zhang Yiliang and Dong Lijun.Pavilion, settled in Zhengzhou after graduation.

In November 2021, the couple took out the gifts of savings and marriage, and they had a down payment of 450,000 yuan (RMB, the same below, the same, S $ 86,000), plus the loan of 1.02 million yuan, I bought a house of Sunac, with a monthly supply of 6,293 yuan.The first video sent by the Douyin account "Liang Liangli and Mrs." is the good news of buying a house. The text is "From now on, there is a light, and there is a lit for me."

However, shortly after Li Jun bought a house, his salary dropped from 3,000 yuan to 2,000 yuan, and the income of the two increased up to less than 10,000 yuan.Judging from their short video content, they are optimistic. In addition to working during the day, they also work part -time to maintain their lives at night. The house is their hope.

But the real estate crisis is also brewing during this period.In 2021, the Chinese government tightened its financing conditions for housing companies, and many housing companies were in a financial crisis.In May last year, Sunac announced the "debt explosion" because it was unable to repay the four US dollar debt interest within the time limit.Soon, Liang Liang and Li Jun discovered that the real estate they bought Zhengzhou Sunac City was stopped.

According to the daily characters, at that time, their husband and wife searched the Internet and found that Zhengzhou had a number of real estate stopping work and became a bad tail building.

丽君和亮亮在2021At the end of the year, I bought Sunac's house, and began to update their lives and daily loans on the Internet, and gradually accumulated popularity.At present, their Douyin account has nearly 350,000 fans.The picture shows that netizens compare their status before and after the stop work, saying that they "have no light in their eyes."(Internet)

Difficult to defend rights

Fortunately, after a period of time, Zhengzhou Sunac City Project resumed work and was capped in July this year.Moreover, after the interest rate of housing loans from all over China this year, Liang Liang and Li Jun's mortgage also dropped by more than 1,000 yuan.However, they encountered new problems again.

Sanlian Life Weekly reported that the company where the couple are located due to poor operating conditions and has not paid them since this summer.Without a fixed income, they have been relying on sporadic live broadcasts to earn living expenses.They later thought of a commission that Sunac is still owed of them.

When buying a house, Li Jun and Liang Liang have not got married. Liangliang can act as Li Jun's "introducer" to buy a house in Sunac's real estate and get an introduction fee similar to commission, with a total of 20,000 20,000 yuan.1876 ​​yuan.This is a routine commonly used in developers in new house marketing.

When buying a house, the sales office promised that the down payment within three days can get the commission within a week.In fact, the money was not paid.Although the commission of 20,000 yuan is not a huge sum of money, it is very important for the bright Lijun couples that bears the pressure of children, rents and mortgages.

After negotiation and waiting, the couple went to the sales office several times to appeal.According to elephant news reports, on November 15, when Liangliang took the horn to the sales office again for money, and opened the mobile phone live broadcast, the staff turned off the lights of the sales department and broke the electricity, and in the husband and wifeWhen the two were about to leave, they stepped forward and beaten, and they also snatched Li Jun's mobile phone.

The report said that after being beaten, Liang Liang paid about 4,000 yuan of medical expenses on his own, and the mobile phone that was snatched on the same day has not yet returned.Liang Liang said that they asked the police that the response was always looking for, and there was no news yet.At present, the videos of the right of rights protection in the Douyin account "Lianglianglijun" are no longer there.

They told Elephant News that because the house was not delivered yet, he resigned first and returned to his hometown, and returned when he paid the house.

How many "bright and Lijun" is there?

The experience of Liangliang and Li Jun made many netizens boo, lamenting that personal struggle could not reach the torrent of the times.

The former media person Hu Xijin commented that the incident said that Liang Liangli and his wife are the real social grassroots. How do they live, reflect the situation of the most grass -roots people, as well as their hope and shouts.

Many netizens said, bright brightHe Lijun's experience also made them feel that they could not "poverty" because of buying a house.(Internet)

Another major problem reflecting this is that a large number of unpopular delivery houses are not completed.The Wall Street Journal reported that the people waiting to be handed over to add up to form the largest group of creditors in China Real Estate Corporation, and they increasingly hoped that things would be resolved.

In July last year, a group of home buyers in China issued a public statement because of the "bad tail" of real estate projects and decided to stop paying a mortgage.The government immediately launched measures that allowed the mortgage mortgage for a maximum of six months, and the use of policy bank funds to accelerate real estate construction.Zhengzhou, where Liang Liang and Li Jun are located, are the high incidence areas of "stop loan tide".

In July of last year, the statement of "keeping diplomatic relations and stable people's livelihood" appeared for the first time in the Politburo meeting of the Communist Party of China, becoming an important direction for the advancement of China's real estate market, but this task is still long -term.

Lu Ting, the chief economist of Nomura Securities, estimates that there are about 20 million sets of pre -sale housing that has not completed and delayed delivery in various places in China, which will need more than 400 billion U.S. dollars (about 590.1 billion yuan) to completeConstruction of these housing.

Economist Ren Zeping commented on Liang Liang and Li Jun and his wife: "Be sure to let real estate soft landing and avoid hard landing, otherwise the most injured must be the common people."

The house accounts for 70%of Chinese family wealth.Come to Chinese familiesIt is said that the real estate crisis is not the news of the real estate company's explosion, nor the number of house sales, but a drop of sinking to daily life. The couples like Li Jun and Liang Liang have experienced life difficulties.