Zhao Shaokang, deputy of the Kuomintang presidential candidate Hou Youyi, admits that one of the reasons for his promise to be the deputy is because Hou Youyi once saved his brother, "I owe him, and I should be here in private.Stand up when. "

Comprehensive Taiwan United Daily News and Central News Agency reported that Zhao Shaokang held a press conference in China and Guang in the afternoon of Friday (November 24) to explain the original intention of the election that he would promise to be public in private.Yu Gong was spoiled by the DPP by the DPP, so he was in danger and saved the picture. He hoped to save Taiwan.

In terms of private, Zhao Shaokang said that his brother was an artist Jay Chou's overseas agent. He once held a gun by the underworld in Macau in Macau, forcing his brother to arrange for Jay Chou to perform a concert or film.To earn huge profits.At that time, he contacted Hou Youyi, and Hou Youyi followed up and found that the underworld's home lived in Tamsui District, New Taipei City, and the family also had a underworld background. Therefore, Hou Youyi personally went to Tamsui to find the other parents.

Zhao Shaokang said that in the process, Hou Youyi left a very good impression on the way of handling things. "I owe him, and I should stand up at this time."

However, Zhao Shaokang also emphasized, "I will not be a vice president without sound, I will have a lot of opinions, otherwise why I choose."

Hou Youyi announced at the Kuomintang CIPC on Friday that Zhao Shaokang, chairman of China -Guangzhou, was the deputy to participate in the 2024 Taiwan election.

Hou Youyi said that he originally hoped to achieve blue and white cooperation with the unanimous support of 60 % of the public opinion.He used his greatest heart to come up with the greatest sincerity, and hope that everyone will go forward with integrity to realize the combination of cabinets and many political ideas, but in the end, 60 % of the people disappointed, he was very sorry.

Hou Youyi emphasized that Zhao Shaokang was ordered to be in danger. The Kuomintang would play a combat power. In the face of hard battles, he looked forward to the supporters to condense the power to the end and let the people in Taiwan understand that his policy with Zhao Shaokang will let Taiwan will let Taiwan will let Taiwan make Taiwanbecome better.