Canadian traffic star Wu Yifan, 2021, 2021, 2021He was arrested for suspected rape of the year. The first trial was sentenced to 13 years in prison to deport to the country.

According to China CCTV News, the Beijing Third Intermediate People's Court was announced publicly on Friday (November 24) in accordance with the law to publicize the case of rape and obscenity of Wu Yifan, and ruled the appeal and maintained the original judgment.

The women's net red Du Meizhu, July 8th to 11th, 2021, published a process of exposure on the Internet and the relationship between Wu Yifan's relationship and sexual relationship, and pointed out that he was raped women, including even minor girls, which caused public opinionGreat attention.The Chinese police reported on July 31, 2021 that Wu Yifan had been criminally detained by the Chaoyang Public Security Bureau for suspected rape, and the investigation of the case was further carried out.

On November 25 last year, the People's Court of Chaoyang District of Beijing made a first trial of Wu Yifan's case to sentence the defendant Wu Yifan for 11 years and 6 months in prison for rape.The sentence was sentenced to one year and 10 months in prison.Wu Yifan appealed to the Beijing Third Intermediate People's Court.

The Beijing Third and Middle People's Courts Court held that Wu Yifan violated the will of women and used a number of victims to be drunk with a sexual relationship with him, and his behavior constituted a crime of rape;, Its behavior constitutes the crime of gathered adultery, and should be punished according to law.The original judgment was determined that the facts were clear, the evidence was true, sufficient, the conviction and applicable law were correct, the sentencing was appropriate, the trial procedure was legal, and the appeal of Wu Yifan was rejected and maintained the original judgment.

Wu Yifan's close relatives and officials of the Canadian embassy in China listened to the second trial sentence.