The third time in China has made a conflict with Harbin conflict within a week.At the Special Video Summit of the BRICS leader with the Harbin issue, the official Chinese official urged all parties to stop the fire immediately, and stopped all the violence and attacks against civilians to release the detained civilians.

The BRICS Rotating Chairman Guo South Africa, South Africa, hosted a special video conference on Gaza and the Middle East situation on Tuesday (November 21).This is the first time that the Chinese official broke out in this round of Harbin conflict, and for the first time on the international conference platform, it has spoken with the situation in Harbin.

According to a press release issued by Xinhua News Agency, Chinese officials delivered a speech at the Gaza region during the meeting, as well as the "profound concern" of a large number of civilian casualties and humanitarian disasters, as well as the expansion of conflicts.

China officially reiterates China's position, calling on the conflict to immediately stop the fire to stop the war, stop all violence and attacks against civilians, and release the detained civilians.He did not name it urged Israel to stop migrating migration, water -breaking electric oil, and other "collective punishments" for the people of Gaza.

China continues to seek balance in the Harbin conflict. While supporting Palestine, it also carefully criticizes Israel Israel with important economic and trade partners.China did not condemn Hamas, nor did it describe Israel's action in Palestine as "war crimes and anti -human crimes."

China officially emphasized that the root cause of the Harbin conflict is that the foundation of the Palestinian people's national power, the right to survival, and the right to return has long been ignored.The fundamental way out to resolve the Palestinian conflict cycle is to implement the "two countries", restore the legitimate rights of the Palestinian nation, and establish an independent Palestinian country."Unjustly solving the Palestinian issue, the Middle East does not have long -lasting peace and stability."

Chinese officials call for more authoritative international peace conferences as soon as possible, unite international promotion and consensus, and promote the Palestinian issue to be comprehensive, fair and lasting solution as soon as possible.

Hamas Wednesday (November 22) and Israel reached Four-fire protocol .Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Mao Ning welcomed this day, saying that "I hope this will help alleviate the dilemma of the humanitarian crisis, promote the downgrade of conflicts, and alleviate tensions."

Special video conferences to attend the BRICS countries include leaders of Russia, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Iran and other countries.

Zhuang Jiaying, an associate professor at the Department of Political Department of the National University of Singapore, pointed out in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post that China seeks to show the sympathy and leadership of non -Western developing countries.This helps China to improve influence and business opportunities in these countries, including obtaining fossil energy supply in the Middle East.

In the past two weeks, the Arab and Islamic countries have urged the calls to cease fire, and the international community has also paid more attention to the influence of large powers in the ceasefire talks and the impact.Member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China and the Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi and Chinese Vice Chairman Han Zheng this week.The Arab and Islamic National Foreign Minister joint delegation held talks.

Zhuang Jiaying pointed out that many national government in the Middle East and Islamic countries is actively looking for a conflict of alleviating with Haha. It does not rule out that they have expressed their hope to see more active actions to the Beijing government. "After allFirst, I have always emphasized the leadership of my developing countries. "But at present, I have not seen China's significant energy and resources to promote the peace in the Middle East.