After the flash marriage, Mr. Fu's vest can't hide it anymore!After the Queen Mother came to work, picked up a president as a girlfriend to marry, and the president loves provoking it fiercely ...

These micro -short dramas that can only understand the style of painting only from the name, when the Chinese film and television industry encounters the cold winter, it has become a new outlet in the industry.

According to the Data data of the film and television observation company, a total of 481 new micro -drama in the first half of this year has exceeded the level of last year.

CITIC Investment Research Report shows that the monthly recharge amount of the micro -short drama industry has increased from 40 million yuan in June this year (RMB, the same below, about 7.63 million yuan) to 60 million yuan in October. It is expected that allThe year will reach 20 billion to 30 billion yuan, which is equivalent to half of the volume of Chinese film box office.

Micro -short dramas are usually free of charge in the first few episodes, and the next dozens of episodes need to be recharged and paid to watch. A drama of about 100 episodes requires tens of yuan or even hundreds of yuan after watching it.

Micro-short drama is usually free of charge in the first few episodes, and the next dozens of episodes need to be recharged and paid to watch.(Internet)

As China's major short video platforms have opened the "paid short drama" model on micro -short dramas, the amount of recharge of micro -short dramas has become quite impressive.Among them, oops!The queen mother came to work for a 24 -hour user recharge for 12 million yuan. After the flash marriage, Mr. Fu could not hide the recharge of 20 million yuan for 24 hours.

These counterattack micro -drama also stirred the capital market.Interactive reality film and television game combined with game and scenarios!After being surrounded by beautiful women this month, the cumulative increase in the stock price of the media short drama company Tianwei Video has increased by 63%.Shanghai Film and Palm Reading Technology also climbed 30%.

Why can micro -short dramas become fragrant in the winter of film and television?

Starting from the tax storm in 2018, the epidemic in the 2020s has gone through several cold winter Chinese film and television industries, but the reality has not improved significantly.

Lighthouse data shows that the total number of movie viewers in the first five months of this year was 500 million, and the 690 million people at the same period before the epidemic decreased by nearly 200 million people.With the average fare rose nearly 1 yuan, the overall box office of the first five months was 22.16 billion yuan, which was still declining by 18.3%compared to the 27.14 billion yuan in the same period in 2019.

Data also shows that after three years of the epidemic, the movie viewing group also changed. Among them, the offline viewing habits of young people have obviously weakened. As of May, this year's portrait portrait, post-95s accounted for 27.7%, 90-The post -95s accounted for 19.8%.

data shows that the total number of viewers in the first five months of this year this year was 500 million people, a reduction of nearly 200 million people compared with 690 million people in the same period before the epidemic.(Internet)

The market is not good, and the rate of starting from the film and television base has continued to decline.According to Chinese media statistics, there are only eight dramas launched in February this year, which is lower than the rate of starting during the epidemic in the same period last year.

These heavy assets and high -invested film and television production prospects are becoming more and more optimistic. In contrast, the prevalence of micro -short dramas seems to open another door for this industry.

According to the latest definition of the General Administration of Radio, Film and Television, micro -short drama refers to the online film and television works with "single set duration from tens of seconds to 15 minutes, with relatively clear themes and main lines, and continuous and complete storylines"Essence

This type of film and television works not only in line with the urgent needs of the investment producer on the output ratio of film and television works, but also provides a more suitable movie viewing mode for Chinese mobile phone users' current habits.

For investors, the business risks of micro -short drama that can be completed by millions of yuan are smaller, while under the operation of major short video platforms, the cost of publicity is lower, and the profit speed is faster.

In addition, micro -short dramas often use small coffee. Although the star effect is missing, the lesson of the first car of the star rollover with film and television works has also made many employers eat.Short dramas can avoid risk of turning over the car, but also have a more relaxed creative environment.

In terms of audiences, short videos have become the mainstream of Chinese audiovisual consumption as early as 2019.However, some analysts pointed out that short video users can use mobile phones to swipe videos every day, but they can only watch fragmented funny paragraphs and edited film and television slices. Some coherent demands are not met.

Pacific Securities believes that micro -short dramas conform to the fragmented entertainment habits of online users, and the increasing number of users and the number of playbacks reflect the increasing acceptance of users.

Under the environment of consumption, it will spend tens of yuan to watch a movie in the theater for two or three hours, or the episode of 40 minutes at a time of 40 minutes.It is in line with the current mainstream life rhythm.

More importantly, unlike traditional film and television dramas, unlike a large number of plots and atmosphere rendering, micro -short dramas usually go straight into the plot, "cooling point", "explosive point" and "paying point" make it easier for micro -short dramas to be more accurate and accuratePut back to the corresponding viewing crowd.

"Domineering President Falling in love with me in seconds" and "Evil Mother -in -law Bullying Daughter -in -law" and other seemingly extreme and vulgar subjects, but the audience can get full emotional value at a very low cost.

Micro-short drama usually goes straight into the plot.The picture shows a few short and short dramas that are currently on the short video platform in China.(Internet)

Tianfeng Securities data shows that the theme of the short drama is mainly a mango TV that is mainly feminine and sweet pet drama. Its female users are close to 70 %, and the proportion of users under 35 years old accounts for more than 90 %.

The vertical screen "small program short drama" of men and middle -aged and elderly users who are mainly aimed at the 30 -year -old market of 30 to 55. The subject matter is mainly counterattack.According to the data compiled by the self -study room, 90%of the subject matter of the explosives from January to June this year is still mainly "cool", such as God of War, crossing, counterattack, rebirth, etc.

WeChat public account "Shocking Research Institute" quotes micro -short drama entrepreneurs bluntly, small program short dramas mainly serve middle -aged and elderly users of 35 to 55 years old. Most of them have experienced social poison, marriage crisis or ordinary people who need to face the society.Middle -aged people are under pressure, so I hope to meet emotional needs through strong fantasy.

Chinese official knock

The active of micro -short dramas has brought a long -lost flourishing scene to the long -lost Chinese film and television market, but its barbaric growth background also covered a shadow for its future development.

WeChat released disposal in July this yearThe announcement pointed out that some micro -short drama mini -programs have not been recorded in the repeattable of the repertoire or the content of the values ​​of adverse orientation; in terms of subject matter, false exaggerations, rustles, incest, and cross -generation are in love;The content is the object of disposal.

China Online Audiovisual Program Service Association last Wednesday (November 15) stated that as of February 28 this year, the China State Administration of Radio, Film and Television, a total of pornographic vulgar, bloody violence, low style, aesthetic vulgar and other contents of micro -content content, etc.There are more than 2.5300 short dramas, 1.365004 episodes, and 2,420 "small programs" containing illegal content.

The China State Administration of Radio, Film and Television also requires to accelerate the formulation of online micro -short drama creation production and content review rules, establish a "blacklist" mechanism for the "blacklist" of cyber micro -drama, report the illegal network micro -short drama in time, and supervise the entire network platform to remove the shelves in a timely manner.wait.

Douyin, fast hands, and WeChat also stated last week, announcing the cracking down on low -quality micro -drama in violation of regulations.

The China Official Media Economic Daily published a comment article on Wednesday (November 22), saying that strengthening the governance of mainstream platforms and regulatory authorities is a signal that reminds micro -short dramas to quickly return to the right track of creative culture, but not to putYou are limited to "Thunder drama", "cool drama" and "wipe the border drama", and should not be obsessed with capital games.

However, "Shuang" and "Thunder" are the foundation of a bloody road in the cold winter of film and television.Articles of the power of the falling power say that the short drama industry is in the dilemma of wiping and reputation.

However, these micro -short dramas also provide cheap spiritual opium and "milk nipple music" for ordinary people in the cold winter. They may not only use the power of the fall to make money, but also hold the ball together in the process of falling.