Former China Central Bank consultant Li Daokui said that as the global level is becoming more and more divided, China must try to prevent "hard decoupling" with the global economy.

According to Bloomberg, Li Daokui, a member of the original Monetary Policy Committee of the Central Bank of China on Wednesday (November 22), said at the Financial Annual Conference held in Beijing that under the premise of international politics,The segment of the world economy.

Li Daokui said that the world economy is divided into three sectors: North America, Latin American economic sectors with the US economy as the core, and Germany as the core European economic sector.Economic sector in Southeast Asia.

He added that China must strive to expand the size of its plate and expand the circle of friends.The "Belt and Road" and the BRICS mechanism are to expand the circle of friends as much as possible under the premise of layout.

In addition to Li Daokui, the former deputy governor of the Central Bank of China Zhu Min and the governor of Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank Jin Liqun and other well -known people in China also published the challenges facing the global economy at the meeting.Speak.

Zhu Min warned that the world is in a "gradually slowing cycle" when the scar effect brought by the epidemic of crown disease.He predicts that the global economic growth rate in 2024 will be 2.7%to 2.8%, which is slightly lower than 2.9%of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) forecast.He added that 2024 will be a mediocre year of the global economy.

But Li Daokui has a positive attitude towards the recent forecast of about 5%of China's growth next year, although this is slightly lower than the general prediction of this year's economic performance.The market is generally expected to exceed the official growth goal of about 5%in 2023.