Regarding North Korea's announcement of the successful launch of reconnaissance satellites, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs responded that safeguarding the peace and stability of the peninsula meet the common interests of countries in the region, and hopes that the relevant parties will maintain a calm restraint.

Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Mao Ning said at a regular press conference on Wednesday (November 22) that the Chinese side noticed that the DPRK announced the launch of satellites and also noticed the response from all parties.

She said that the development of the situation on the Korean Peninsula has been developed to this day, maintaining peace and stability on the peninsula, promoting the political solution process of the Peninsula issue, and conforming to the common interests of various countries in the region.

Mao Ning said that he hopes that all parties will keep calm and restraint, adhere to the general direction of political solution, and carry out meaningful dialogue in accordance with the two -track and closing ideas, stages, and synchronization principles, and balance their reasonable concerns in a balanced resolution.China will continue to play a constructive role in promoting political solution to the Peninsula.

North Korea announced the successful launch of reconnaissance satellites on Tuesday (November 21). Relevant sources of the South Korean military said on Wednesday that the North Korean party must not easily believe in it. South Korea will cooperate closely with the United States and Japan to analyze various relevant situations.Later made a final judgment.