(Sydney Reuters) After meeting with Chinese officials, Fiji Prime Minister Lantuka said that Fiji may cooperate with China for an important port modernization and shipyard projects.This will make Fiji a closer relationship with China in key areas.

According to Reuters, Langbaka told the Fiji Parliament on Wednesday (November 22) that the Fiji government focuses on upgrading infrastructure, especially port facilities and shipyards. Given that China's shipbuilding industry is competitive globally, it is competitive in the world.He looks forward to cooperating with China in this area.

China is the world's largest shipbuilding country, and the number of ships built this year accounts for half of the world's total.Lambok last week at the San Francisco Asia -Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit for the first time with Chinese official meeting.

Langbaka also told Parliament that Fiji agreed with China ’s view of global security and believed that Beijing’ s “Belt and Road” initiative conforms to the National Development Amber of Fiji.

A ship design company headquartered in Australia said Labca had previously sought Australia to participate in the shipyard project.

According to the Fiji government advertisement, this project will meet the government's five -year shipbuilding requirements. Its business model will be joint venture with Fiji and heavy industrial enterprises with Fiji subsidiaries in Fiji Port.